- - - Northwest Washington Scholastic Chess Ememo #166, December 2, 2008 - - -
1. Dec. 1: NW High School League underway -- Lynden leads
2. Dec. 6: LC Christmas Chess Classic K-8, Lynden ENTER NOW
3. USA captures Bronze at Chess Olympiad
4. Idaho first state to offer statewide in-school chess curriculum
5. Rated Results: Carl Cozier Chess Kickoff K-8, Bellingham (163 players)
6. NW Scholastic Chess Calendar
The eleventh season of the Northwest High School Chess League began Monday December 1st. Twelve teams from Whatcom and Skagit counties gathered to test their chess skills at Burlington-Edison High School. The league consists of eight rounds, and the top seven teams will qualify to participate in the Washington State High School Chess Team Championships, to be held at Mount Vernon High School on February 27th and 28th, 2009.
1.0 Lynden Christian - 4.0 Ferndale
0.0 Burlington-Edison B - 5.0 Lynden
5.0 Sehome - 0.0 Bellingham
0.0 Lynden B - 5.0 Burlington-Edison
5.0 Sedro-Woolley - 0.0 Burlington-Edison C
1.0 Sedro-Woolley B - 4.0 Mount Vernon
5.0 Lynden - 0.0 Sedro-Woolley
3.5 Burlington-Edison - 1.5 Sehome
0.0 Mount Vernon - 5.0 Ferndale
0.0 Sedro-Woolley B - 5.0 Lynden Christian
0.0 Lynden B - 5.0 Burlington-Edison B
0.5 Bellingham - 4.5 Burlington-Edison C
10.0 Lynden
9.0 Ferndale
8.5 Burlington-Edison
6.5 Sehome
6.0 Lynden Christian
5.0 Sedro-Woolley
5.0 Burlington-Edison B
4.5 Burlington-Edison C
4.0 Mount Vernon
1.0 Sedro-Woolley B
0.5 Bellingham
0.0 Lynden B
(White) (Black)
Ferndale - Lynden
Lynden Christian - Burlington-Edison
Sehome - Sedro-Woolley
Burlington-Edison B - Mount Vernon
Burlington-Edison C - Sedro-Woolley B
Bellingham - Lynden B
What: A chess tournament and playday. An Elementary State Qualifier tourney.
Who: For young chessplayers of all levels. Sections for K-1, 2-3, 4-5, 6-8th grades.
Where: Lynden Christian Middle School.
When: Check-in 8:30 - 9:00am sharp. Each round will start ASAP so the awards ceremony may be around 3:45pm.
Format: Five rounds no elimination. "Swiss pairings, Game/30."
Food Drive: Let's help out the homeless and needy in Whatcom County. Bring a bag of canned food and receive a $2 coupon to use at the concession stand.
Awards: Trophies to top 7 in each section. There'll be a prize for every participant. Gift drawings every round, and an Upset prize too! Two team sections, K-4th and 5th-8th grades, awards to top teams (5 players).
TO ENTER: Pre-registration strongly advised. Entry fee $12 in advance, $17 at the door. Mail in your entry with entry fee enclosed, postmarked no later than Wednesday, December 3. All players must also check-in the morning of the tourney between 8:30 and 9:00. Late check-ins will receive a half-point bye for Round 1. Make check to Lynden Christian Middle School. Mail entries to:
.....Lynden Christian M.S. Chess
.....c/o Mary Pitcher
.....324 Maberry Loop
.....Lynden, WA 98264
You can use the form below, or just include the following: Student's Full Name, Address, School, Grade, Phone, Email, with entry fee.
ONLINE ENTRY OPTION: Register online via the Chess4Life secure website, using your credit card. Extra $1.75 convenience fee applies. Online registration closes midnight, December 3. The link:
T-Shirt Option: Get the tournament T-shirt! Include an extra $12 in your entry and indicate your child's youth size. Have your entry postmarked early, by Saturday, November 29.
Further information and FAQ available at http://mysite.verizon.net/kaech/xmas08.html , or email Mary Pitcher at tmarpitcher@msn.com, or Peter Witecki at mfpw@comcast.net.
In an amazing and dramatic last round, both of our teams at the 38th Chess Olympiad scored Bronze. Read the dramatic story here: http://main.uschess.org/content/view/8944/497/ .
Olympiad Final Round (photos): http://www.chessbase.com/newsdetail.asp?newsid=5037
Olympiad Closing Ceremonies (photos): http://www.chessbase.com/newsdetail.asp?newsid=5041
Seattle Times: http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/education/2004293895_chess20.html?syndication=rss
Associated Press: http://www.upstatetoday.com/news/2008/sep/27/check-mate-chess-thrives-idaho-grade-schools/
The "First Move" program (which you can bring to your school!): http://www.af4c.org/
Benefits of Chess for Youth: http://mysite.verizon.net/kaech/benefits.html
Benefits of Chess in Education: http://www.chess.ca/misc2008/benefitsofchess.pdf
The rated crosstable wasn't available in the last Ememo, but the tourney is now rated.
Crosstable with new ratings for 163 players at: http://www.whsca.org/Cozier.html
Details for events below at http://mysite.verizon.net/kaech/ as they come available.
Northwest High School League schedule:
Dec. 1: - NWL Meet 1, Rounds 1-2 -- Burlington-Edison H.S.
Dec. 15: - NWL Meet 2, Rounds 3-4 -- Lynden Christian
Jan. 12: - NWL Meet 3, Rounds 5-6 -- Mount Vernon H.S.
Jan. 26: - NWL Meet 4, Rounds 7-8 -- Ferndale H.S.
Sites open 6:00pm, league games start at 6:20pm.
Feb 27-28: State High School Chess Team Championships 2009, Mount Vernon HS
Nov 15 Carl Cozier Chess Kickoff K-8, Bellingham
Dec 6 LC Christmas Chess Classic K-8, Lynden
Jan 10 Whatcom County Championships K-12, Lynden
Jan 24 Roosevelt Winter Chess Challenge, K-8, Bellingham
Jan 26 Whatcom Jr. High and Middle Schools League, Ferndale
Feb 7 International Chess Jam 2009, K-12, Ferndale
Feb 21 F.E.S.T: Ferndale Elementary Spring Tournament, K-6, Ferndale
Mar 14 3rd Assumption Open, K-8, Bellingham
Apr 25 2009 Washington State Elementary Chess Championships, Spokane, WA
For scholastic tournament information beyond NW Washington, consult the two authoritative sources:
WHSCA (and OSCF) Scholastic Calendar: http://www.whsca.org/calendar.html
Northwest Chess Magazine: http://www.nwchess.com/calendar/index.htm
They both announce scholastic events throughout Washington and Oregon.
And for all the scholastic tourneys just across the border:
BC Junior Chess Calendar http://www.bjdy.com/juniorchess/events.html
// o\_
To enroll or be removed from Chess Memo list, email kaech@verizon.net.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Chess Memo 164
- - - Northwest Washington Scholastic Chess Ememo #164, November 8, 2008 - - -
1. Nov. 15: Carl Cozier Chess Kickoff K-8, Bellingham -ENTER NOW-
2. Should my child play in a chess tournament?
3. NY Times Scholastic Chess article
4. Middle School Chess League 2008-09
5. Results: Sehome-Woolley Grand Prix IV
6. Final Standings: Sehome-Woolley Grand Prix
7. NW Scholastic Chess Calendar
A chess tournament and playday for chessplayers of all abilities, from beginner to experienced tournament competitor, from Kindergarten through 8th grade. If you're not sure how to play, they'll teach you on-site! So bring a friend to help kickoff the chess season!
Location: Carl Cozier Elementary School in Bellingham. From Interstate 5 take the Lakeway Drive Exit 253 and you're practically there.
Four playing sections: Kindergarten-1st grades, 2nd-3rd grades, 4th-5th grades, 6th-8th grades.
It's a State Qualifier Tournament! Kindergarten-6th grade players with winning scores (3/5) qualify to participate in the 2009 Washington State Elementary Chess Championships, being held this year in Spokane on April 25, 2009.
Schedule: Check-in 8:15 - 8:45am. Opening ceremonies at 9:00am. Start times for each round: 9:30, 10:45, noon, 1:15, 2:30. Awards ceremony 4:00pm or ASAP.
Format: Five round Swiss (no elimination). Game/30 (maximum one hour for each game.) Tournament rated by the Northwest Scholastic Rating System. Pairings by computer.
Awards: Trophies to the top 8 in all sections. Every player in K-1 section will get a medal. Medals to all players 2-8 who qualify for State (score 3.0 or more). Ties broken by computer as per WHSCA rules.
Team Awards: Trophies to top three elementary schools (determined by adding the points of the top five scorers from a single K-5 or K-6 school).
Bring: Concessions will be available on site. Bring your own card table and chairs for the non-tournament ("skittles") area, as limited quantities of both will be available. Bring chess boards/sets for the skittles area as well. If in sixth grade or higher, bring a pencil (or pen), and a chess clock if you have one.
TO ENTER: Players must pre-register to play. No on-site entries. Entry fee $12, entries can be mailed in with entry fee enclosed, and must be postmarked no later than Wednesday, November 12. All players must also check-in the morning of the tourney between 8:15 and 8:45. Late check-ins will receive a half-point bye for Round 1. Make check to Carl Cozier PTA. Mail entries to:
.....Carl Cozier PTA Chess Club
.....1330 Lincoln Street
.....Bellingham, WA 98226
Include the following: Student's Full Name, Address, School, Grade, Phone, Email, entry fee.
NEW ONLINE ENTRY OPTION: $1 convenience fee, November 12 deadline.
At http://www.signup4chess.com/e/?e=23&n=CarlCozierChessKick-off&date=15Nov2008 .
For a FAQ, map/directions to the playing site, the one-page flyer, and info about the on-site chess learning option, visit http://mysite.verizon.net/kaech/cozier08.html . For further information, email Heather Bowhay at awsumdawson@msn.com.
One Whatcom parent's perspective on the youth chess tournament scene. At
http://www.neighborhood-kids.com/People/Learning/333.aspx .
Not a new article, but I just discovered it, and much of it is focused on youth chess in the Pacific Northwest. At http://www.nytimes.com/2006/04/02/business/yourmoney/02mate.html .
Yes, it will happen this year, a one-evening event. Teams of four compete for the Whatcom MS League Championship on Monday evening, January 26. It takes place concurrently with the final, deciding rounds of the High School League. Pre-registration required, contact kaech@verizon.net to enter.
NOVEMBER 3, 2008
(Results best viewed in a fixed font, i.e. Courier)
(Interpret id numbers at http://mysite.verizon.net/kaech/ratings.html)
Section 1
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 tot
1 DIETZ, STERLING LYEM1695 1630 1636/306 W4 W2 2.0
2 SPITZER, TIM SEDMD963 1311 1317/101 W3 L1 1.0
3 LESH, ROBYN LYEJA140 1126 1135/118 L2 W4 1.0
4 SMARTT, KALEB HSCG4368 1111 1085/ 93 L1 L3 0.0
Section 2
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 tot
1 NULLE, MATT SHMK6661 1068 1099/196 W4 W3 2.0
2 DUNLAP, ADAM ANCI9626 984 974/ 97 L3 W4 1.0
3 ABBOTT, ALEXANDER FERL2280 927 944/145 W2 L1 1.0
4 HOUGH, JOE SEDMC457 936 895/ 84 L1 L2 0.0
Section 3
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 tot
1 HELLER, BENJAMIN BURLC855 848 903/ 52 W4 W3 2.0
2 RATHVON, MARK SEDLA089 865 858/ 45 L3 W4 1.0
3 BERGER, KYLE SHMKJ090 821 832/ 22 W2 L1 1.0
4 TEFFT-MEEKER, DEVON FHVI5594 882 824/109 L1 L2 0.0
Section 4
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 tot
1 TEFFT-MEEKER, IAN FHVK9748 753 821/ 38 W3 W2 2.0
2 TILLEY, JAREN HPVEF561 798 781/ 8 W4 L1 1.0
3 SMARTT, HENRY HSCD5454 775 768/ 88 L1 W4 1.0
4 SMITH, TIMOTHY SEDKJ314 767 638/ 6 L2 L3 0.0
Section 5
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 tot
1 HAN, HENRY HPVFD948 753 779/ 48 W4 D2 1.5
2 WINE, TRISTAN RESEE596 749 782/129 W3 D1 1.5
3 BURDSAL, TREMAYNE SEDJ9072 900 723/ 2 L2 W4 1.0
4 CUMMINGS, EARL BURLA758 716 659/ 25 L1 L3 0.0
Section 6
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 tot
1 HELLER, AUSTIN BURJB032 550 601/ 15 W3 W2 2.0
2 CREELMAN, GRACE WVEGI623 505 504/ 18 W4 L1 1.0
3 RINDAL, KOREY BURLJ826 420 400/ 45 L1 D4 0.5
4 BISHEL, CAMERON SEDK9470 1000 400/ 2 L2 D3 0.5
Section 7
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 tot
1 AUERBACH, AARON SEDLJ309 1100 935/ 2 W4 W2 2.0
2 HENRY, JOSEPH SEDL9520 507 531/ 13 W3 L1 1.0
3 WILKINSON, MARSHALL EDII8979 450 454/ 23 L2 W4 1.0
4 GWALTNEY, KOLTON BURKA437 400 400/ 15 L1 L3 0.0
1st Place: Ben Heller 7.0
2nd Place: Austin Heller 6.5
3rd Place: Tim Spitzer 5.0
4th Place: Robin Lesh 5.0
5th Place: Matt Nulle 5.0
Details for events below at http://mysite.verizon.net/kaech/ .
Nov 3 Sehome-Woolley 2008 Grand Prix IV 3rd-12th grades, Sedro-Woolley HS
Nov 15 Carl Cozier Chess Kickoff, K-8, Bellingham
Dec 3 NW High School League begins, Burlington-Edison HS
Dec 6 Christmas Chess Classic, Lynden (details TBA)
Jan 10 Whatcom County Championships K-12, Lynden
Jan 24 Roosevelt Winter Chess Challenge, K-8, Bellingham
Jan 26 Whatcom Jr. High and Middle Schools League, Ferndale
Feb 7 International Chess Jam 2009, K-12, Ferndale
Feb 21 F.E.S.T: Ferndale Elementary Spring Tournament, K-6, Ferndale
Feb 27-28 State High School Chess Team Championships 2009, Mount Vernon HS
Mar 14 3rd Assumption Open, K-8, Bellingham
Apr 25 2009 Washington State Elementary Chess Championships, Spokane, WA
For scholastic tournament information beyond NW Washington, consult the two authoritative sources:
WHSCA (and OSCF) Scholastic Calendar: http://www.whsca.org/calendar.html
Northwest Chess Magazine: http://www.nwchess.com/calendar/index.htm
They both announce scholastic events throughout Washington and Oregon.
And for all the scholastic tourneys just across the border:
BC Junior Chess Calendar http://www.bjdy.com/juniorchess/events.html
// o\_
To enroll or be removed from Chess Memo list, email kaech@verizon.net.
1. Nov. 15: Carl Cozier Chess Kickoff K-8, Bellingham -ENTER NOW-
2. Should my child play in a chess tournament?
3. NY Times Scholastic Chess article
4. Middle School Chess League 2008-09
5. Results: Sehome-Woolley Grand Prix IV
6. Final Standings: Sehome-Woolley Grand Prix
7. NW Scholastic Chess Calendar
A chess tournament and playday for chessplayers of all abilities, from beginner to experienced tournament competitor, from Kindergarten through 8th grade. If you're not sure how to play, they'll teach you on-site! So bring a friend to help kickoff the chess season!
Location: Carl Cozier Elementary School in Bellingham. From Interstate 5 take the Lakeway Drive Exit 253 and you're practically there.
Four playing sections: Kindergarten-1st grades, 2nd-3rd grades, 4th-5th grades, 6th-8th grades.
It's a State Qualifier Tournament! Kindergarten-6th grade players with winning scores (3/5) qualify to participate in the 2009 Washington State Elementary Chess Championships, being held this year in Spokane on April 25, 2009.
Schedule: Check-in 8:15 - 8:45am. Opening ceremonies at 9:00am. Start times for each round: 9:30, 10:45, noon, 1:15, 2:30. Awards ceremony 4:00pm or ASAP.
Format: Five round Swiss (no elimination). Game/30 (maximum one hour for each game.) Tournament rated by the Northwest Scholastic Rating System. Pairings by computer.
Awards: Trophies to the top 8 in all sections. Every player in K-1 section will get a medal. Medals to all players 2-8 who qualify for State (score 3.0 or more). Ties broken by computer as per WHSCA rules.
Team Awards: Trophies to top three elementary schools (determined by adding the points of the top five scorers from a single K-5 or K-6 school).
Bring: Concessions will be available on site. Bring your own card table and chairs for the non-tournament ("skittles") area, as limited quantities of both will be available. Bring chess boards/sets for the skittles area as well. If in sixth grade or higher, bring a pencil (or pen), and a chess clock if you have one.
TO ENTER: Players must pre-register to play. No on-site entries. Entry fee $12, entries can be mailed in with entry fee enclosed, and must be postmarked no later than Wednesday, November 12. All players must also check-in the morning of the tourney between 8:15 and 8:45. Late check-ins will receive a half-point bye for Round 1. Make check to Carl Cozier PTA. Mail entries to:
.....Carl Cozier PTA Chess Club
.....1330 Lincoln Street
.....Bellingham, WA 98226
Include the following: Student's Full Name, Address, School, Grade, Phone, Email, entry fee.
NEW ONLINE ENTRY OPTION: $1 convenience fee, November 12 deadline.
At http://www.signup4chess.com/e/?e=23&n=CarlCozierChessKick-off&date=15Nov2008 .
For a FAQ, map/directions to the playing site, the one-page flyer, and info about the on-site chess learning option, visit http://mysite.verizon.net/kaech/cozier08.html . For further information, email Heather Bowhay at awsumdawson@msn.com.
One Whatcom parent's perspective on the youth chess tournament scene. At
http://www.neighborhood-kids.com/People/Learning/333.aspx .
Not a new article, but I just discovered it, and much of it is focused on youth chess in the Pacific Northwest. At http://www.nytimes.com/2006/04/02/business/yourmoney/02mate.html .
Yes, it will happen this year, a one-evening event. Teams of four compete for the Whatcom MS League Championship on Monday evening, January 26. It takes place concurrently with the final, deciding rounds of the High School League. Pre-registration required, contact kaech@verizon.net to enter.
NOVEMBER 3, 2008
(Results best viewed in a fixed font, i.e. Courier)
(Interpret id numbers at http://mysite.verizon.net/kaech/ratings.html)
Section 1
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 tot
1 DIETZ, STERLING LYEM1695 1630 1636/306 W4 W2 2.0
2 SPITZER, TIM SEDMD963 1311 1317/101 W3 L1 1.0
3 LESH, ROBYN LYEJA140 1126 1135/118 L2 W4 1.0
4 SMARTT, KALEB HSCG4368 1111 1085/ 93 L1 L3 0.0
Section 2
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 tot
1 NULLE, MATT SHMK6661 1068 1099/196 W4 W3 2.0
2 DUNLAP, ADAM ANCI9626 984 974/ 97 L3 W4 1.0
3 ABBOTT, ALEXANDER FERL2280 927 944/145 W2 L1 1.0
4 HOUGH, JOE SEDMC457 936 895/ 84 L1 L2 0.0
Section 3
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 tot
1 HELLER, BENJAMIN BURLC855 848 903/ 52 W4 W3 2.0
2 RATHVON, MARK SEDLA089 865 858/ 45 L3 W4 1.0
3 BERGER, KYLE SHMKJ090 821 832/ 22 W2 L1 1.0
4 TEFFT-MEEKER, DEVON FHVI5594 882 824/109 L1 L2 0.0
Section 4
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 tot
1 TEFFT-MEEKER, IAN FHVK9748 753 821/ 38 W3 W2 2.0
2 TILLEY, JAREN HPVEF561 798 781/ 8 W4 L1 1.0
3 SMARTT, HENRY HSCD5454 775 768/ 88 L1 W4 1.0
4 SMITH, TIMOTHY SEDKJ314 767 638/ 6 L2 L3 0.0
Section 5
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 tot
1 HAN, HENRY HPVFD948 753 779/ 48 W4 D2 1.5
2 WINE, TRISTAN RESEE596 749 782/129 W3 D1 1.5
3 BURDSAL, TREMAYNE SEDJ9072 900 723/ 2 L2 W4 1.0
4 CUMMINGS, EARL BURLA758 716 659/ 25 L1 L3 0.0
Section 6
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 tot
1 HELLER, AUSTIN BURJB032 550 601/ 15 W3 W2 2.0
2 CREELMAN, GRACE WVEGI623 505 504/ 18 W4 L1 1.0
3 RINDAL, KOREY BURLJ826 420 400/ 45 L1 D4 0.5
4 BISHEL, CAMERON SEDK9470 1000 400/ 2 L2 D3 0.5
Section 7
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 tot
1 AUERBACH, AARON SEDLJ309 1100 935/ 2 W4 W2 2.0
2 HENRY, JOSEPH SEDL9520 507 531/ 13 W3 L1 1.0
3 WILKINSON, MARSHALL EDII8979 450 454/ 23 L2 W4 1.0
4 GWALTNEY, KOLTON BURKA437 400 400/ 15 L1 L3 0.0
1st Place: Ben Heller 7.0
2nd Place: Austin Heller 6.5
3rd Place: Tim Spitzer 5.0
4th Place: Robin Lesh 5.0
5th Place: Matt Nulle 5.0
Details for events below at http://mysite.verizon.net/kaech/ .
Nov 3 Sehome-Woolley 2008 Grand Prix IV 3rd-12th grades, Sedro-Woolley HS
Nov 15 Carl Cozier Chess Kickoff, K-8, Bellingham
Dec 3 NW High School League begins, Burlington-Edison HS
Dec 6 Christmas Chess Classic, Lynden (details TBA)
Jan 10 Whatcom County Championships K-12, Lynden
Jan 24 Roosevelt Winter Chess Challenge, K-8, Bellingham
Jan 26 Whatcom Jr. High and Middle Schools League, Ferndale
Feb 7 International Chess Jam 2009, K-12, Ferndale
Feb 21 F.E.S.T: Ferndale Elementary Spring Tournament, K-6, Ferndale
Feb 27-28 State High School Chess Team Championships 2009, Mount Vernon HS
Mar 14 3rd Assumption Open, K-8, Bellingham
Apr 25 2009 Washington State Elementary Chess Championships, Spokane, WA
For scholastic tournament information beyond NW Washington, consult the two authoritative sources:
WHSCA (and OSCF) Scholastic Calendar: http://www.whsca.org/calendar.html
Northwest Chess Magazine: http://www.nwchess.com/calendar/index.htm
They both announce scholastic events throughout Washington and Oregon.
And for all the scholastic tourneys just across the border:
BC Junior Chess Calendar http://www.bjdy.com/juniorchess/events.html
// o\_
To enroll or be removed from Chess Memo list, email kaech@verizon.net.
Monday, October 13, 2008
- - - Northwest Washington Scholastic Chess Ememo #162, October 14, 2008 - - -
1. Oct. 20: S-W Grand Prix III, Bellingham -ENTER NOW
2. Nov. 15: Carl Cozier Chess Kickoff K-8, Bellingham
3. Play in the Earth vs. Space match!
4. Notice: Little Dragon in Ferndale takes Saturday off
5. Notice: Assumption Tourney date has changed
6. Results: Sehome-Woolley Grand Prix II
7. Standings: S-W Grand Prix after II
8. NW Scholastic Chess Calendar
Scholastic chess players from 3rd-12th grades of all abilities are invited to attend the Sehome-Woolley 2008 Grand Prix.
Grand Prix Format: The player who accumulates the most points overall in all four Grand Prix tourneys will be declared 2008 Grand Prix Champion. The five players that accumulate the most points in all four Grand Prix tourneys will receive chess trophies.
GP1 Monday Sept 15 at Sehome High School (Bellingham)
GP2 Monday Oct 6 at Sedro-Woolley High School
GP3 Monday Oct 20 at Sehome High School (Bellingham)
GP4 Monday Nov 3 at Sedro-Woolley High School
At each Grand Prix tourney, players are placed in separate 4-player 'Quad' sections of approximately equal playing ability based on the latest NWSRS ratings. If you are unrated, you’ll be placed in a low rated playing section appropriate to your age. Chess notation is required for all players and chess clocks will be used. If you're not familiar with recording chess moves, or using a chess clock, don't worry. Instruction will be available on site.
To Register: If you think you might attend, do email your entry in advance (by 8pm the eve before the tourney) to randywalther@msn.com. Advance entries pay $5 at the door. On-site entries will pay $10. Email Name, School, Grade, and name of tourney you are entering.
Example Entry: Tim Spitzer, Sedro-Woolley HS, Grade 12, GP1
USCF and WHSCA tournament rules are in effect, i.e. if you touch a piece, you must move it. Bring a pen or pencil, since chess notation is a requirement. In time pressure (when either player has less than five minutes remaining on their clock) chess notation becomes optional for both players. Score sheets are provided, but bring a chess clock if you have one! There isn’t any player elimination element in this event, each player plays two games per tourney. You can choose to play in one, two, three or all four of the Grand Prix tourneys. The last round each evening will be completed by 9:35 p.m., but most players will be finished well before 9:00 p.m. All the tournament games will be NWSRS rated.
Registration and check-in: 5:50 - 6:10pm
Registration and check-in closes at 6:10pm so don’t be late!
1st Round to start promptly at 6:30 and the 2nd round will begin by 8:00.
Format: Four player sections, two rounds each. Players seeded by rating; if unrated, then by grade. Open to all 3rd through 12th graders. Time Control: 45 minutes per player with 5 second delay.
For directions to the two playing sites, visit the webpage at http://mysite.verizon.net/kaech/pre08.html . For further information contact organizer Randy Walther at randywalther@msn.com .
A chess tournament and playday for chessplayers of all abilities, from beginner to experienced tournament competitor, from Kindergarten through 8th grade. If you're not sure how to play, they'll teach you on-site! So bring a friend to help kickoff the chess season!
Location: Carl Cozier Elementary School in Bellingham. From Interstate 5 take the Lakeway Drive Exit 253 and you're practically there.
Four playing sections: Kindergarten-1st grades, 2nd-3rd grades, 4th-5th grades, 6th-8th grades.
It's a State Qualifier Tournament! Kindergarten-6th grade players with winning scores (3/5) qualify to participate in the 2009 Washington State Elementary Chess Championships, being held this year in Spokane on April 25, 2009.
Schedule: Check-in 8:15 - 8:45am. Opening ceremonies at 9:00am. Start times for each round: 9:30, 10:45, noon, 1:15, 2:30. Awards ceremony 4:00pm or ASAP.
Format: Five round Swiss (no elimination). Game/30 (maximum one hour for each game.) Tournament rated by the Northwest Scholastic Rating System. Pairings by computer.
Awards: Trophies to the top 8 in all sections. Every player in K-1 section will get a medal. Medals to all players 2-8 who qualify for State (score 3.0 or more). Ties broken by computer as per WHSCA rules.
Team Awards: Trophies to top three elementary schools (determined by adding the points of the top five scorers from a single K-5 or K-6 school).
Bring: Concessions will be available on site. Bring your own card table and chairs for the non-tournament ("skittles") area, as limited quantities of both will be available. Bring chess boards/sets for the skittles area as well. If in sixth grade or higher, bring a pencil (or pen), and a chess clock if you have one.
TO ENTER: Players must pre-register to play. No on-site entries. Entry fee $12, all entries must be mailed in with entry fee enclosed, and must be postmarked no later than Wednesday, November 12. All players must also check-in the morning of the tourney between 8:15 and 8:45. Late check-ins will receive a half-point bye for Round 1. Make check to Carl Cozier PTA. Mail entries to:
.....Carl Cozier PTA Chess Club
.....1330 Lincoln Street
.....Bellingham, WA 98226
Include e the following: Student's Full Name, Address, School, Grade, Phone, Email, entry fee.
For a FAQ, map/directions to the playing site, the one-page flyer, and info about the on-site chess learning option, visit http://mysite.verizon.net/kaech/cozier08.html . For further information, email Heather Bowhay at awsumdawson@msn.com.
The position is just getting verrrrry interesting! Is Dr. Greg about to gambit a pawn?! On September 28, American astronaut Dr. Greg Chamitoff pulled out his Velcro chessboard and began his historic match against any and all comers from planet Earth. All earthlings are invited to participate by voting on the moves. Earth is being guided by the chess club team from Stevenson Elementary School in Bellevue, Washington, the national K-3rd grade champion team. The young champions recommend up to four moves, and after a public vote, the chosen move gets relayed by Mission Control to Greg, more than 200 miles above the rest of us, aboard the International Space Station (ISS). The game is expected to proceed at a pace of roughly one move for each side every two days.
U.S. Chess: http://www.uschess.org/nasa2008
NASA site: http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/expeditions/expedition17/chess_earthvsspace.html
Video of Dr. Chamitoff welcoming Earth players: http://main.uschess.org/content/view/8776/475/
Article by Stevenson Elem. coach: http://www.nwchess.com/articles/events/2008/Earth_vs_Space.htm
NASA Expedition 18: http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/expeditions/expedition18/exp18_launch_adv_feature.html
Video of Dr. Chamitoff fielding kids' questions: http://xpstream.winisp.net/exchange/SpaceTalk.wmv
(Watch the zero gravity demo at the end!)
The Little Dragon School of the Arts (5772 2nd Avenue, Ferndale) sponsors open chess meetings for kids of all grades at their school, every Saturday between 3:30pm and 5:00pm. Except this Saturday, October 18. For further information contact William Friedson, 360-393-3376, william@williamfriedson.com .
The 3rd Assumption Open was originally listed as happening on March 7, 2009. It has been moved to March 14, 2009. Erase that old date, mark the new one!
OCTOBER 6, 2008
(Results best viewed in a fixed font, i.e. Courier)
(Interpret id numbers at http://mysite.verizon.net/kaech/ratings.html )
Section 1
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 tot
1 DIETZ, STERLING LYEM1695 1624 1630/304 W3 W2 2.0
2 SPITZER, TIM SEDMD963 1282 1288/ 97 W4 L1 1.0
3 SMARTT, KALEB HSCG4368 1150 1167/ 89 L1 W4 1.0
4 LESH, ROBYN LYMJA140 1125 1089/114 L2 L3 0.0
Section 2
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 tot
1 SMITH, DUSTIN SEDMA158 1097 1141/ 46 W3 W2 2.0
2 DUNLAP, ALEXANDER ANAK2795 1064 1059/112 W4 L1 1.0
3 NULLE, MATT SHMK6661 1049 1046/192 L1 W4 1.0
4 HOUGH, JOE SEDMC457 954 913/ 80 L2 L3 0.0
Section 3
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 tot
1 DUNLAP, ADAM ANCI9626 945 984/ 95 W4 W3 2.0
2 ABBOTT, ALEXANDER FERL2280 922 908/141 L3 W4 1.0
3 TEFFT-MEEKER, DEVON FHVI5594 908 917/105 W2 L1 1.0
4 SMITH, TIMOTHY SEDKJ314 971 767/ 4 L1 L2 0.0
Section 4
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 tot
1 RATHVON, MARK SEDLA089 819 865/ 43 W4 W3 2.0
2 HAN, HENRY HPVFD948 816 802/ 44 L3 W4 1.0
3 HELLER, BENJAMIN BURLC855 789 800/ 48 W2 L1 1.0
4 TILLEY, JAREN HPVEF561 911 682/ 4 L1 L2 0.0
Section 5
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 tot
1 SMARTT, HENRY HSCD5454 729 775/ 86 W4 W2 2.0
2 WINE, TRISTAN RESEE596 740 734/125 W3 L1 1.0
3 BARNETT, ODIN WHWI9546 623 621/ 8 L2 W4 1.0
4 HENRY, JOSEPH SEDL9520 567 509/ 9 L1 L3 0.0
Section 6
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 tot
1 HELLER, AUSTIN BURJB032 447 518/ 11 W2 W4 2.0
2 CREELMAN, GRACE WVEGI623 481 478/ 14 L1 W3 1.0
3 RINDAL, KOREY BURLJ826 451 411/ 41 D4 L2 0.5
4 GWALTNEY, KOLTON BURKA437 400 400/ 11 D3 L1 0.5
Adam Dunlap
Austin Heller
Benjamin Heller
Mark Rathvon
Kaleb Smartt
Henry Smartt
Grace Creelman
Jaren Tilley
Kyle Robinson
Timothy Smith
Matt Sloane
Laine Forrest
Joe Hough
Will Rianda
Robyn Lesh
Thomas Witecki
Sterling Dietz
Dustin Smith
Tim Spitzer
Matt Nulle
Devon Tefft-Meeker
Tristan Wine
Henry Han
Kyle Berger
Korey Rindal
Details for events below at http://mysite.verizon.net/kaech/ .
Sep 15 Sehome-Woolley 2008 Grand Prix I 3rd-12th grades, Sehome HS
Oct 6 Sehome-Woolley 2008 Grand Prix II 3rd-12th grades, Sedro-Woolley HS
Oct 20 Sehome-Woolley 2008 Grand Prix III 3rd-12th grades, Sehome HS
Nov 3 Sehome-Woolley 2008 Grand Prix IV 3rd-12th grades, Sedro-Woolley HS
Nov 15 Carl Cozier Chess Kickoff, K-8, Bellingham
Dec 3 NW High School League begins
Dec X (who'd like to sponsor a tourney? Calendar's open!)
Jan 10 Whatcom County Championships K-12, Lynden
Jan 24 Roosevelt Winter Chess Challenge, K-8, Bellingham
Feb 7 International Chess Jam 2009, K-12, Ferndale
Feb 21 F.E.S.T: Ferndale Elementary Spring Tournament, K-6, Ferndale
Feb 28 2009 Wa. State High School Chess Team Championships (and Feb. 27, site tba)
Mar 14 3rd Assumption Open, K-8, Bellingham
Apr 25 2009 Washington State Elementary Chess Championships, Spokane, WA
For scholastic tournament information beyond NW Washington, consult the two authoritative sources:
WHSCA (and OSCF) Scholastic Calendar: http://www.whsca.org/calendar.html
Northwest Chess Magazine: http://www.nwchess.com/calendar/index.htm#Scholastic%20Events
They both announce scholastic events throughout Washington and Oregon.
And for all the scholastic tourneys just across the border:
BC Junior Chess Calendar http://www.bjdy.com/juniorchess/events.html
// o\_
To enroll or be removed from Chess Memo list, email kaech@verizon.net.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Chess Memo 161 - Astronaut Edition
- - - Northwest Washington Scholastic Chess Ememo #161, October 1, 2008 - - -
1. Oct. 6: S-W Grand Prix II, Sedro-Woolley -ENTER NOW
2. Nov. 15: Carl Cozier Chess Kickoff K-8, Bellingham
3. Ferndale: Open chess club starting for all Whatcom youth
4. Opportunity to host a chess tournament
5. Play chess against an astronaut!
6. Seattle defeats New York in US Chess League
7. Results: Sehome-Woolley Grand Prix I
8. Standings: S-W Grand Prix after I
9. NW Scholastic Chess Calendar -NEW DATES, MARK YOUR CALENDAR
Scholastic chess players from 3rd-12th grades of all abilities are invited to attend the Sehome-Woolley 2008 Grand Prix.
Grand Prix Format: The player who accumulates the most points overall in all four Grand Prix tourneys will be declared 2008 Grand Prix Champion. The five players that accumulate the most points in all four Grand Prix tourneys will receive chess trophies.
GP1 Monday Sept 15 at Sehome High School (Bellingham)
GP2 Monday Oct 6 at Sedro-Woolley High School
GP3 Monday Oct 20 at Sehome High School (Bellingham)
GP4 Monday Nov 3 at Sedro-Woolley High School
At each Grand Prix tourney, players are placed in separate 4-player 'Quad' sections of approximately equal playing ability based on the latest NWSRS ratings. If you are unrated, you’ll be placed in a low rated playing section appropriate to your age. Chess notation is required for all players and chess clocks will be used. If you're not familiar with recording chess moves, or using a chess clock, don't worry. Instruction will be available on site.
To Register: If you think you might attend, do email your entry in advance (by 8pm the eve before the tourney) to randywalther@msn.com. Advance entries pay $5 at the door. On-site entries will pay $10. Email Name, School, Grade, and name of tourney you are entering.
Example Entry: Tim Spitzer, Sedro-Woolley HS, Grade 12, GP1
USCF and WHSCA tournament rules are in effect, i.e. if you touch a piece, you must move it. Bring a pen or pencil, since chess notation is a requirement. In time pressure (when either player has less than five minutes remaining on their clock) chess notation becomes optional for both players. Score sheets are provided, but bring a chess clock if you have one! There isn’t any player elimination element in this event, each player plays two games per tourney. You can choose to play in one, two, three or all four of the Grand Prix tourneys. The last round each evening will be completed by 9:35 p.m., but most players will be finished well before 9:00 p.m. All the tournament games will be NWSRS rated.
Registration and check-in: 5:50 - 6:10pm
Registration and check-in closes at 6:10pm so don’t be late!
1st Round to start promptly at 6:30 and the 2nd round will begin by 8:00.
Format: Four player sections, two rounds each. Players seeded by rating; if unrated, then by grade. Open to all 3rd through 12th graders. Time Control: 45 minutes per player with 5 second delay.
For directions to the two playing sites, visit the webpage at http://mysite.verizon.net/kaech/pre08.html . For further information contact organizer Randy Walther at randywalther@msn.com .
A chess tournament and playday for chessplayers of all abilities, from beginner to experienced tournament competitor, from Kindergarten through 8th grade. If you're not sure how to play, they'll teach you on-site! So bring a friend to help kickoff the chess season!
Location: Carl Cozier Elementary School in Bellingham. From Interstate 5 take the Lakeway Drive Exit 253 and you're practically there.
Four playing sections: Kindergarten-1st grades, 2nd-3rd grades, 4th-5th grades, 6th-8th grades.
It's a State Qualifier Tournament! Kindergarten-6th grade players with winning scores (3/5) qualify to participate in the 2009 Washington State Elementary Chess Championships, being held this year in Spokane on April 25, 2009.
Schedule: Check-in 8:15 - 8:45am. Opening ceremonies at 9:00am. Start times for each round: 9:30, 10:45, noon, 1:15, 2:30. Awards ceremony 4:00pm or ASAP.
Format: Five round Swiss (no elimination). Game/30 (maximum one hour for each game.) Tournament rated by the Northwest Scholastic Rating System. Pairings by computer.
Awards: Trophies to the top 8 in all sections. Every player in K-1 section will get a medal. Medals to all players 2-8 who qualify for State (score 3.0 or more). Ties broken by computer as per WHSCA rules.
Team Awards: Trophies to top three elementary schools (determined by adding the points of the top five scorers from a single K-5 or K-6 school).
Bring: Concessions will be available on site. Bring your own card table and chairs for the non-tournament ("skittles") area, as limited quantities of both will be available. Bring chess boards/sets for the skittles area as well. If in sixth grade or higher, bring a pencil (or pen), and a chess clock if you have one.
TO ENTER: Players must pre-register to play. No on-site entries. Entry fee $12, all entries must be mailed in with entry fee enclosed, and must be postmarked no later than Wednesday, November 12. All players must also check-in the morning of the tourney between 8:15 and 8:45. Late check-ins will receive a half-point bye for Round 1. Make check to Carl Cozier PTA. Mail entries to:
.....Carl Cozier PTA Chess Club
.....1330 Lincoln Street
.....Bellingham, WA 98226
Include e the following: Student's Full Name, Address, School, Grade, Phone, Email, entry fee.
For a FAQ, map/directions to the playing site, the one-page flyer, and info about the on-site chess learning option, visit http://mysite.verizon.net/kaech/cozier08.html . For further information, email Heather Bowhay at awsumdawson@msn.com.
Enter the dragon! The Little Dragon School of the Arts in Ferndale is sponsoring open chess meetings for kids of all grades at their school. They'll happen every Saturday between 3:30pm and 5:00pm, starting this Saturday, October 4. Bring your creativity and your chess board & pieces. Format includes play, instruction and ladder placement. Location: 5772 2nd Avenue in Ferndale. For further information contact William Friedson, 360-393-3376, william@williamfriedson.com .
The 2008-09 scholastic chess calendar has filled nicely (see below). We still have one big gap, though, between Nov. 15 and Jan. 10. Now the demand for scholastic chess tourneys clearly exceeds the supply. Who would like to organize a scholastic chess tournament this school year? Perhaps a school parent group? It's a community service, and can be a nice fundraiser to boot. Assistance is available. If interested email kaech@verizon.net.
On Monday American astronaut Dr. Greg Chamitoff pulled out his Velcro chessboard and began his historic match against any and all comers from planet Earth. All earthlings are invited to participate by voting on the moves. Earth will be guided by the chess club team from Stevenson Elementary School in Bellevue, Washington, the national K-3rd grade champion team. The young champions, who graciously offered to let Greg move first, will recommend move choices, and after a public vote, the chosen move will be relayed by Mission Control to Greg, more than 200 miles above the rest of us, aboard the International Space Station (ISS). The game is expected to proceed at a pace of roughly one move for each side every two days. The moves so far? 1.d4! Nf6! You can vote or follow the progress of the game at uschess.org.
U.S. Chess: http://www.uschess.org/nasa2008
NASA site: http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/expeditions/expedition17/chess_earthvsspace.html
The Seattle Sluggers took a leg up in the Western division playoff race, defeating New York 2.5 - 1.5. They now stand at 3.5 - 2.5 and have helped to distance themselves from the pack in the crowded Western division, with the help of high school senior Andy May on Board Four, and Grandmaster Nakamura (21 year old!) on Board One. You can check the full standings and actually watch/replay the Grandmaster games in your web browser at http://www.uschessleague.com/ .
SEPTEMBER 15, 2008
(Results best viewed in a fixed font, i.e. Courier)
(Interpret id numbers at http://mysite.verizon.net/kaech/ratings.html )
pos last name first id number start end/#gms rd1 rd2 tot
1 WITECKI, THOMAS LYEK8805 1499 1507/418 W4 W3 2.0
2 SMARTT, KALEB HSCG4368 1121 1150/ 87 BYE W5 2.0
3 SPITZER, TIM SEDMD963 1272 1277/ 95 W5 L1 1.0
4 CUMMINGS, EARL BURLA758 717 716/ 23 L1 BYE 1.0
5 HOWARD-SNYDER, WILLIAM SAIDE130 1194 1150/201 L3 L2 0.0
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 tot
1 LESH, ROBYN LYMJA140 1079 1125/112 W4 W2 2.0
2 CARPENTER, COLTON SAIE4173 1099 1098/137 W3 L1 1.0
3 NULLE, MATT SHMK6661 1051 1049/190 L2 W4 1.0
4 HOWARD-SNYDER, PETER SAIDH798 1034 989/206 L1 L3 0.0
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 tot
1 RIANDA, WILL NBLG2326 943 1003/142 W2 W3 2.0
2 WITECKI, IAN ASTG9565 989 985/191 L1 W4 1.0
3 DUNLAP, ADAM IVEI9626 942 945/ 93 W4 L1 1.0
4 ABBOTT, ALEXANDER FERL2280 979 922/139 L3 L2 0.0
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 tot
1 HOUGH, JOE SEDMC457 906 954/ 78 W4 W2 2.0
2 TEFFT-MEEKER, DEVON FHVI5594 908 908/103 W3 L1 1.0
3 SUTER, ANDREW SAIF4434 852 851/ 92 L2 W4 1.0
4 RIANDA, BEN VSTI7794 846 796/141 L1 L3 0.0
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 tot
1 BERGER, KYLE SHMKJ090 779 817/ 18 W2 D3 1.5
2 RATHVON, MARK SEDLA089 828 819/ 41 L1 W4 1.0
3 HAN, HENRY HPVFD948 825 816/ 42 D4 D1 1.0
4 SMARTT, HENRY HSCD5454 749 729/ 84 D3 L2 0.5
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 tot
1 HELLER, BENJAMIN BURLC855 733 789/ 46 W4 W2 2.0
2 WINE, TRISTAN RESEE596 736 740/123 W3 L1 1.0
3 KING, TAYLOR ASTEH361 721 715/117 L2 W4 1.0
4 WENDLING, JACK ASTEG787 708 652/ 78 L1 L3 0.0
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 tot
1 LAINE, FORREST SHMK9119 1000 1055/ 2 W3 W5 2.0
2 SLOANE, MATT SHMK9486 1000 1046/ 2 W6 W4 2.0
3 LESH, LAINEY WHCFI034 614 643/ 51 L1 W6 1.0
4 KAECH, STONE SKYF6398 607 641/161 W5 L2 1.0
5 RIANDA, MEGAN NBLH2570 702 658/130 L4 L1 0.0
6 CARBONE, GUS SHMKF708 675 604/ 7 L2 L3 0.0
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 tot
1 SMITH, TIMOTHY SEDKJ314 1000 971/ 2 W3 W2 2.0
2 APPLE, KURT VSTII841 544 559/ 16 W4 L1 1.0
3 HENRY, JOSEPH SEDL9520 525 567/ 7 L1 W4 1.0
4 BRUCE, LAUREN SHMLA352 1100 400/ 2 L2 L3 0.0
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 tot
1 ROBINSON, KYLE VSTHF232 700 851/ 2 W4 W5 2.0
2 TILLEY, JAREN HPVEF561 400 911/ 2 W7 W6 2.0
3 CREELMAN, GRACE WVEGI623 435 481/ 12 D6 W7 1.5
4 RINDAL, KOREY BURLJ826 423 451/ 39 L1 W8 1.0
5 HELLER, AUSTIN BURJB032 400 447/ 9 W8 L1 1.0
6 WEST, JAKE ECSDH615 526 516/ 32 D3 L2 0.5
7 WEST, ERIC ECSCE300 492 450/ 27 L2 L3 0.0
8 GWALTNEY, KOLTON BURKA437 400 400/ 9 L5 L4 0.0
Leading with 2.0:
Kyle Robinson
Jaren Tilley
Timothy Smith
Matt Sloane
Laine Forrest
Benjamin Heller
Kyle Berger
Joe Hough
Will Rianda
Robyn Lesh
Kaleb Smartt
Thomas Witecki
Details for events below at http://mysite.verizon.net/kaech/ .
Sep 15 Sehome-Woolley 2008 Grand Prix I 3rd-12th grades, Sehome HS
Oct 6 Sehome-Woolley 2008 Grand Prix II 3rd-12th grades, Sedro-Woolley HS
Oct 20 Sehome-Woolley 2008 Grand Prix III 3rd-12th grades, Sehome HS
Nov 3 Sehome-Woolley 2008 Grand Prix IV 3rd-12th grades, Sedro-Woolley HS
Nov 15 Carl Cozier Chess Kickoff, K-8, Bellingham
Dec 3 NW High School League begins
Jan 10 Whatcom County Championships K-12, Lynden
Jan 24 Roosevelt Winter Chess Challenge, K-8, Bellingham
Feb 7 International Chess Jam 2009, K-12, Ferndale
Feb 21 F.E.S.T: Ferndale Elementary Spring Tournament, K-6, Ferndale
Feb 28 2009 Wa. State High School Chess Team Championships (and Feb. 27, site tba)
Mar 7 3rd Assumption Open, K-8, Bellingham
Apr 25 2009 Washington State Elementary Chess Championships, Spokane, WA
For scholastic tournament information beyond NW Washington, consult the two authoritative sources:
WHSCA (and OSCF) Scholastic Calendar: http://www.whsca.org/calendar.html
Northwest Chess Magazine: http://www.nwchess.com/calendar/index.htm#Scholastic%20Events
They both announce scholastic events throughout Washington and Oregon.
And for all the scholastic tourneys just across the border:
BC Junior Chess Calendar http://www.bjdy.com/juniorchess/events.html
// o\_
To enroll or be removed from Chess Memo list, email kaech@verizon.net.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Chess Ememo 159 - New Season
- - - Northwest Washington Scholastic Chess Ememo #159, August 30, 2008 - - -
1. Sept. 15: Sehome-Woolley 2008 Grand Prix begins in Bellingham
-Advance entry recommended-
2. Opportunity to host a chess tournament
3. How To: Start a chess club at Your Elementary School
4. US Chess League: Go Seattle!
5. Results: Hot Summer Chess IV
6. Final Standings: HSC Grand Prix 2008
7. NW Scholastic Chess Calendar 2008-2009
Scholastic chess players from 3rd-12th grades of all abilities are invited to attend the Sehome-Woolley 2008 Grand Prix.
Grand Prix Format: The player who accumulates the most points overall in all four Grand Prix tourneys will be declared 2008 Grand Prix Champion. The five players that accumulate the most points in all four Grand Prix tourneys will receive chess trophies.
GP1 Monday Sept 15 at Sehome High School (Bellingham)
GP2 Monday Oct 6 at Sedro-Woolley High School
GP3 Monday Oct 20 at Sehome High School (Bellingham)
GP4 Monday Nov 3 at Sedro-Woolley High School
At each Grand Prix tourney, players are placed in separate 4-player 'Quad' sections of approximately equal playing ability based on the latest NWSRS ratings. If you are unrated, you’ll be placed in a low rated playing section appropriate to your age. Chess notation is required for all players and chess clocks will be used. If you're not familiar with recording chess moves, or using a chess clock, don't worry. Instruction will be available on site.
To Register: If you think you might attend, do email your entry in advance (by 8pm the eve before the tourney) to randywalther@msn.com. Advance entries pay $5 at the door. On-site entries will pay $10. Email Name, School, Grade, and name of tourney you are entering.
Example Entry: Tim Spitzer, Sedro-Woolley HS, Grade 12, GP1
USCF and WHSCA tournament rules are in effect, i.e. if you touch a piece, you must move it. Bring a pen or pencil, since chess notation is a requirement. In time pressure (when either player has less than five minutes remaining on their clock) chess notation becomes optional for both players. Score sheets are provided, but bring a chess clock if you have one! There isn’t any player elimination element in this event, each player plays two games per tourney. You can choose to play in one, two, three or all four of the Grand Prix tourneys. The last round each evening will be completed by 9:35 p.m., but most players will be finished well before 9:00 p.m. All the tournament games will be NWSRS rated.
Registration and check-in: 5:50 - 6:10pm
Registration and check-in closes at 6:10pm so don’t be late!
1st Round to start promptly at 6:30 and the 2nd round will begin by 8:00.
Format: Four player sections, two rounds each. Players seeded by rating; if unrated, then by grade. Open to all 3rd through 12th graders. Time Control: 45 minutes per player with 5 second delay.
For directions to the two playing sites, visit the webpage at http://mysite.verizon.net/kaech/pre08.html . For further information contact organizer Randy Walther at randywalther@msn.com .
The K-12 Skagit Chessfest, usually in December, is not scheduled to happen this year. So far the only NW WA Saturday tournaments on the calendar so far are all in 2009. Who would like to organize an elementary chess tournament in October, or November, or December of 2008? Perhaps a school parent group? It's a community service, and can be a nice fundraiser to boot. Sure you can! Email kaech@verizon.net for free advice on how to pull it off and have fun at the same time!
So, your child is tired of playing against you, would rather play against friends his own age, but there's no chess club at his or her school? No problem. Start one up! You can do it, it's great for kids, and you don't even have to know how to play chess. In its simplest form, it's as easy as providing a safe place for kids to play. One dad's story is at http://www.chessmaniac.com/2006/02/taking-chess-to-children.php . For another perspective, how about 'How a Parent Who Barely Played Chess Did It', at http://www.okschess.org/starting/index.htm . And here's a little encouragement (with humor) from an Illinois teacher, 'Starting a Scholastic Chess Club', at http://www.rockfordchess.org/clubs/starting.htm .
Fourteen teams from around the nation have just begun play in the United States Chess League. Seattle's lineup includes 13-year old Michael Lee of Bellevue and 16-year old Andy May of Vancouver WA. You can watch the games at http://www.uschessleague.com/ , and there's coverage at http://main.uschess.org/ also.
AUGUST 14, 2008
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 tot
1 SPITZER, TIM SEDLD963 1245 1272/ 93 W4 W2 2.0
2 EVERTON, SAM MEIG4075 1136 1141/ 66 W3 L1 1.0
3 LESH, ROBYN LYMIA140 1076 1079/110 L2 W4 1.0
4 NULLE, MATT SHMJ6661 1090 1051/188 L1 L3 0.0
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 tot
1 SMITH, DUSTIN SEDMA158 1062 1097/ 44 W4 W2 2.0
2 ABBOTT, ALEXANDER FERK2280 971 979/137 W3 L1 1.0
3 RIANDA, WILL NBLF2326 943 943/140 L2 W4 1.0
4 ZEHNDER, RILEY HSCE4476 960 914/150 L1 L3 0.0
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 tot
1 HOUGH, JOE SEDLC457 860 906/ 76 W4 W3 2.0
2 TEFFT-MEEKER, DEVON FHVH5594 931 908/101 L3 W4 1.0
3 HAN, HENRY HPVED948 808 825/ 40 W2 L1 1.0
4 GRAHAM, SEAN BHOE4082 785 744/ 62 L1 L2 0.0
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 rd3 tot
1 STEENSMA, BEN LYCI7236 655 768/ 50 W4 W2 W3 3.0
2 MENSING, KRIS FERKD129 731 753/ 86 W8 L1 W6 2.0
3 HARLE, NIKHIL CDRCJ930 708 739/ 44 W5 W6 L1 2.0
4 WINE, TRISTAN RESDE596 757 736/121 L1 W8 D5 1.5
5 MONTGOMERY, JEREMY SKYF5833 614 627/ 18 L3 W7 D4 1.5
6 KING, TAYLOR ASTDH361 773 721/115 W7 L3 L2 1.0
7 HENRY, JOSEPH SEDK9520 686 525/ 5 L6 L5 WF 1.0
8 HAN, AMY FHVHK070 648 598/ 35 L2 L4 LF 0.0
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 rd3 tot
1 HAN, LAWRENCE CEEF3305 587 668/ 37 W7 W5 W3 3.0
2 BARNETT, ODIN WHWH9546 611 623/ 6 L5 W6 W7 2.0
3 LESH, LAINEY WHCEI034 610 614/ 49 BYE W4 L1 2.0
4 HAN, EDWARD CEEEG416 535 572/ 38 W6 L3 W5 2.0
5 RICCI, EVAN LYMH7739 586 569/ 42 W2 L1 L4 1.0
6 HAMILTON, CAROLINE HSCHH216 565 506/ 40 L4 L2 BYE 1.0
7 DANENHOWER, ASA SAIBA314 554 472/ 7 L1 BYE L2 1.0
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 rd3 tot
1 RICCI, ANTHONY ISOGK278 400 550/ 8 W5 D2 W3 2.5
2 COOPER, ALLEN HPVF9511 500 714/ 3 W6 D1 W5 2.5
3 MEI-MEI, FINDLEY HSCBA234 400 580/ 3 W4 W6 L1 2.0
4 WINE, TAHLIA RESAA750 400 400/ 32 L3 L5 W6 1.0
5 BARNETT, BODHI WHWDJ682 400 403/ 3 L1 W4 L2 1.0
6 COLLINS, GRANT WKEAB196 400 400/ 6 L2 L3 L4 0.0
1st: Kris Mensing, Ferndale
2nd: Nikhil Harle, Bellingham
3rd: Tim Spitzer, Sedro-Woolley
4th: Sam Everton, Anacortes
5th: Devon Tefft-Meeker, Bellingham
Congratulations Kris, Nikhil, Tim, Sam and Devon!
Details for events below at http://mysite.verizon.net/kaech/ .
Sep 15 Sehome-Woolley 2008 Grand Prix I 3rd-12th grades, Sehome HS
Oct 6 Sehome-Woolley 2008 Grand Prix II 3rd-12th grades, Sedro-Woolley HS
Oct 20 Sehome-Woolley 2008 Grand Prix III 3rd-12th grades, Sehome HS
Nov 3 Sehome-Woolley 2008 Grand Prix IV 3rd-12th grades, Sedro-Woolley HS
Dec X NW High School League begins (dates tba)
Oct-Dec: Who would like to sponsor a Saturday tourney? The calendar is open!
Jan X Whatcom County Championships K-12, Lynden (date tba)
Feb X Chess Jam 2008, K-12, Ferndale (date tba)
Feb X 2009 Wa. State High School Chess Team Championships, Seattle (date tba)
Mar X F.E.S.T: Ferndale Elementary Spring Tournament, K-6, Ferndale (date tba)
Mar X Assumption School Tourney, K-8, Bellingham (date tba)
Apr 25 2009 Washington State Elementary Chess Championships, Spokane, WA
For scholastic tournament information beyond NW Washington, consult the two authoritative sources:
WHSCA (and OSCF) Scholastic Calendar: http://www.whsca.org/calendar.html
Northwest Chess Magazine: http://www.nwchess.com/calendar/index.htm#Scholastic%20Events
They both announce scholastic events throughout Washington and Oregon.
And for all the scholastic tourneys just across the border:
BC Junior Chess Calendar http://www.bjdy.com/juniorchess/events.html
// o\_
To enroll or be removed from Chess Memo list, email kaech@verizon.net.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
- - - Northwest Washington Scholastic Chess Ememo #155, June 11, 2008 - - -
1. 2008 Lynden Christian Chess Camp, June 30-July 2 ENTER NOW
2. June 24: 1st (of 4) Hot Summer Chess
3. Locals compete at Elementary State
4. Results: Chess F.E.S.T. (120 players)
5. Results: Assumption Tourney (96 players)
6. Chess Calendar
This just in!
Dowload the forms at http://mysite.verizon.net/kaech/2008chesscamp.doc .
Fourteen spots currently remain, so don't dilly-dally, Sally.
JUNE 30 - JULY 2, 2008 (Monday-Wednesday)
503 Nooksack Avenue Lynden, WA 98264
Open to: 2nd – 11th Grade serious tournament chess players rated between 750 and 1350.
All players must be proficient at recording their chess games.
Chess Instructors: Randy A. Walther & Peter F. June.
Educational Program: Openings, endgame study, tactics and chess puzzles for intermediate to advanced-intermediate players.
The chess camp will include a six round NWSRS rated chess tournament for all the players.
Tournament Prizes: A very generous amount of U.S. Mint Commemorative Silver Dollars and Half Dollars will be awarded.
Equipment: Chess equipment is provided, but bring your digital delay chess clocks if you have them.
Recreational activities include outdoor basketball and a supervised open playground. Dress for indoor and outdoor activities (play shoes, T-shirts, sweatshirts, shorts or jeans).
Lunch: Bring a sack lunch. No food will be provided! It will be a good idea for campers to bring water bottles.
Registration fee: $80.00 per camper (Postmarked by June 26th).
Please pay by check or money order. Credit cards will not be accepted.
Late registration fee: $100.00 per camper (Postmarked after June 26th and received by June 30th).
Cancellation fee: $10.00 per camper.
Daily Schedule:
9:00 am - 9:10 am Parents drop off campers
9:15 am - 10:30 am 1st Classroom Lesson
10:30 am - 10:55 am Break for all campers
11:00 am - 12:00 pm 2nd Classroom Lesson
12:00 pm - 12:45 pm Lunch Break
12:45pm - 3:35 pm NWSRS Rated Tournament Games for all students
3:30 pm - 3:50 pm Parents pick-up their chess campers
Daily Tournament schedule:
Rounds at 12:45 pm & 2:15 pm (Time Control: Game/40 minutes w/5 second delay)
Register early! The plan is to limit the camp to 24 students.
DOWNLOAD the camp registration form, permission/health form, liability waiver and camp conduct forms at http://mysite.verizon.net/kaech/2008chesscamp.doc .
Questions? Contact Randy Walther at (360) 757-3285 or randywalther@msn.com.
Where: Bellingham Public Library, 210 Central Ave, Bellingham.
What time: Registration is from 6:00 - 6:10pm each evening.
What: 1.Chess learning, and 2.Chess playing.
Two Sections:
Total Beginner Section: - For those who don't know how to play chess (and beginners), we'll teach you how to play. Then we'll play casual practice games.
Tourney Section (for most of you): For those who know how to play, want to compete in a tournament, and are able to write down their moves (or willing to learn on the spot), we have the traditional four rated Grand Prix tournaments. (Freshly graduated HS seniors welcome.)
The Hot Summer Chess Grand Prix 2008 series of tournaments will be held Tuesday June 24, and Thursdays July 10, July 31 and August 14 at the Bellingham Public Library, downstairs in the meeting room. These events are free and open to K-12th grade players of all abilities, beginner to experienced, so bring a friend!
Cost? The Hot Summer Chess Grand Prix events are offered free. We will have a donation jar present at check-in to help cover the expenses of NWSRS rating fees, trophies, scoresheets and other supplies. Suggested donation is $2 per player per tourney.
Grand Prix Tourney Section: Players are placed in different playing groups of approximately equal playing ability based on grade and the latest NWSRS ratings. Players rated 900 or higher will play in 4-player "Quad" sections, two games, each player getting 45 minutes on the chess clock. The remainder (most) will play in 8-player (usually) "Octagonal" sections. These feature three games, no elimination, with 30 minutes per player on the clock.
Win the Grand Prix!
In addition to small prizes for tourney section winners each evening, the five players who accumulate the most points overall in all four Hot Summer Chess tourneys will be declared Hot Summer Chess Grand Prix Champions, and will receive trophies! The Grand Prix formula rewards players who are improving, so you could win if you put your mind to it! The current, updated NWSRS ratings will be used in each Hot Summer Chess tourney.
Schedule for each HSC Grand Prix:
6:00 pm - Registration opens, help with setup please, thank you!
Registration closes at 6:10 pm sharp
Beginners Class - 6:15 in small conference room
GP Round 1 - 6:40 pm or asap
GP Round 2 - 7:40 pm or asap (Round 2 at 8:00 for Quad sections)
GP Round 3 - 8:40 pm or asap
Help with room takedown afterwards, thank you!
High Score Engame Contest:
Last year only seven players over the entire summer received a free chess T-shirt by winning the three piece forced win endgame position. Can you win from the simple position on the website? Give it a shot!
Don't be late:
In order to get the tournament going promptly, and concluded on time, registration will close at 6:10 sharp. Or, if there's a registration line, as soon as the line ends after 6:10. So please don't be late, as the sectional format is not conducive to late entries, and we'd have to turn you away. Thanks!
Sponsored by the Bellingham Public Library (thanks!).
Details and results will be at http://mysite.verizon.net/kaech/grandprix08.html .
A total of 1,414 elementary school students competed in the Washington State Elementary School Chess Championships on Saturday, April 26, 2008 in Redmond, Washington on the Overlake Christian Church campus. A new record for largest tourney in the State of Washington, I believe! A number of locals competed, and I won't list them all because I'll probably miss some. You can inspect the full crosstable and results at http://www.whsca.org/2008StateElem.html. Congratulations to the following Champions, all from Bellingham, who all scored 4 wins (out of 5 games) at State:
Kenneth Brown of Lowell Elementary, 5th grade division, tied for 9th
Riley Zehnder, home school, 4th grade division, tied for 11th
Dawson Bowhay of Carl Cozier Elementary, 3rd grade division, tied for 12th
William Howard-Snyder of St. Pauls, 2nd grade division, tied for 8th
Jason Lowry of Assumption School, 2nd grade division, tied for 8th
MARCH 8, 2008
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 tot
1 BEHAR, JOSHUA TPSCG770 1328 1354/ 88 W32 W16 W7 W3 W4 5.0
2 BROWN, KENNETH LLLF4291 1172 1185/122 W49 W23 D11 W27 W5 4.5
3 ZEHNDER, RILEY HSCE4476 985 1015/126 W29 W22 W13 L1 W24 4.0
4 EVERTON, SAM MEIG4075 990 1017/ 42 W35 W19 W20 W12 L1 4.0
5 PITCHER, RYAN LYCG8308 860 993/122 W37 W15 W27 W6 L2 4.0
6 DEVANGE, ISAAC LARE6005 1014 1024/ 94 W41 W14 W9 L5 W13 4.0
7 WITECKI, IAN ASTF9565 876 934/174 W33 W17 L1 W19 W15 4.0
8 RIANDA, WILL NBLF2326 935 946/118 W39 W28 L12 W11 W17 4.0
9 CARPENTER, CONNOR SAIG6627 846 878/117 W50 W34 L6 W28 W14 4.0
10 ROGERS, JUSTIN RESFH243 785 807/ 75 L12 W54 W49 W22 W18 4.0
11 SULLIVAN, LAKE MTNF7689 904 924/107 W48 W30 D2 L8 W12 3.5
12 POLLOCK, VICTORIA SKYGH577 493 739/ 14 W10 W26 W8 L4 L11 3.0
13 PARKS, ISAAC NBLE4924 722 808/ 25 W31 W21 L3 W29 L6 3.0
14 WINTERS, ISAAC NBLF1487 690 758/ 65 W18 L6 W33 W20 L9 3.0
15 SELIG, LUKAS LARFG814 660 776/ 46 W53 L5 W21 W16 L7 3.0
16 BOURLIER, NICHOLAS HPVEH060 784 801/ 10 W42 L1 W40 L15 W35 3.0
17 MORRISSET, ROBERT HPVE3669 671 703/ 39 W45 L7 W51 W25 L8 3.0
18 EVANS, ADAM EAGEB851 400 614/ 8 L14 W41 W34 W30 L10 3.0
19 MABERRY, DAVID LYCGI939 696 716/ 39 W51 L4 W37 L7 W36 3.0
20 MISZCZAK, LIAM SAIE8682 805 794/ 91 W46 W36 L4 L14 W32 3.0
21 SAYEGH, JAMIE WHMG9562 1089 1023/ 82 W38 L13 L15 W31 W34 3.0
22 LIKKEL, DRAKE LYCG7027 683 703/ 41 W56 L3 W36 L10 W40 3.0
23 KAMBHIRANOND, PJ PINYA TPSF2325 780 768/ 29 W52 L2 L29 W37 W33 3.0
24 HAN, HENRY HPVED948 779 790/ 35 W43 L27 W48 W32 L3 3.0
25 STOCKTON, SHANE LYCGI631 779 742/ 18 L36 W46 W35 L17 W39 3.0
26 AHO, BILLY BACEE101 810 770/ 33 W55 L12 L32 W48 W38 3.0
27 CHMELIK, BRIAN KULG2902 1014 990/119 W40 W24 L5 L2 HPB 2.5
28 KAECH, STONE SKYE6398 687 683/151 W44 L8 W50 L9 D29 2.5
29 HORNSTRA, BRADY LYCEA279 609 649/ 30 L3 W56 W23 L13 D28 2.5
30 KAHLE, JIMMY CUEE2025 664 635/ 63 W47 L11 D31 L18 W45 2.5
31 LESH, LAINEY WHCEI034 414 537/ 36 L13 W38 D30 L21 W47 2.5
32 MORRIS, JULIA LYCFE440 655 670/ 58 L1 W42 W26 L24 L20 2.0
33 SCHRIPSEMA, MICHAEL LYCF5887 553 564/ 25 L7 W45 L14 W41 L23 2.0
34 RIANDA, MEGAN NBLG2570 664 637/123 W57 L9 L18 W52 L21 2.0
35 EARLE, LOGAN LARFB304 619 611/ 35 L4 W43 L25 W51 L16 2.0
36 KRAUSE, COLE TPSEH446 469 511/ 22 W25 L20 L22 W55 L19 2.0
37 VAN DE POEL, ALEXANDER ASTF9605 534 541/ 93 L5 W53 L19 L23 W51 2.0
38 WITZEL, BEN NBLE8369 652 616/ 65 L21 L31 W54 W44 L26 2.0
39 WELLS, JASON NORFF527 602 582/ 30 L8 L51 W43 W49 L25 2.0
40 MONTGOMERY, JEREMY SKYF5833 629 614/ 15 L27 W52 L16 W50 L22 2.0
41 POLLOCK, CABEL SKYEE566 612 577/ 20 L6 L18 W56 L33 W52 2.0
42 SANCHEZ, RONALDO SKYFF387 479 488/ 26 L16 L32 D45 D46 W49 2.0
43 PYLES, GRACE SAIG8127 456 468/ 54 L24 L35 L39 W53 W50 2.0
44 CREELMAN, GRACE WVEFI623 400 435/ 10 L28 L50 W46 L38 W48 2.0
45 WILSON, CALVIN NBLE7934 400 400/ 8 L17 L33 D42 W54 L30 1.5
46 RODRIGUEZ, ISAIAH MTNE3094 516 478/ 14 L20 L25 L44 D42 W55 1.5
47 SIM, ALEX SKYE3317 400 400/ 10 L30 L48 D55 W56 L31 1.5
48 DELARA, LIAM EAGE3580 566 514/ 44 L11 W47 L24 L26 L44 1.0
49 PYLES, CHRISTOPHER SAIE8739 652 574/ 97 L2 W55 L10 L39 L42 1.0
50 DRURY, ABBEY NBLE4320 528 474/ 30 L9 W44 L28 L40 L43 1.0
51 COE, MATTHEW NBLEF892 454 433/ 23 L19 W39 L17 L35 L37 1.0
52 SINGLETON, SHION LYCF6426 457 420/ 15 L23 L40 W53 L34 L41 1.0
53 BURTON, ANDREW NBLEF264 400 400/ 5 L15 L37 L52 L43 W56 1.0
54 OSGOOD, JONATHAN SKYEI607 400 400/ 19 HPB L10 L38 L45 HPB 1.0
55 CREELMAN, MIRIAM WVEG9624 527 400/ 10 L26 L49 D47 L36 L46 0.5
56 SCHOENECKER, SAVANNA ASTEG180 400 400/ 10 L22 L29 L41 L47 L53 0.0
57 IHRIG, BEN BEEF5648 500 400/ 1 L34 U U U U 0.0
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 tot
1 HOWARD-SNYDER, WILLIAM SAICE130 1046 1110/170 W32 W7 W8 W9 W3 5.0
2 HOWARD-SNYDER, PETER SAICH798 975 1052/175 W27 W45 W10 W4 W11 5.0
3 LOWRY, JASON ASTCG811 970 997/ 61 W17 W23 W20 W14 L1 4.0
4 BOWHAY, DAWSON CARD8381 1073 1065/138 W46 W24 W15 L2 W22 4.0
5 VELDHUISEN, TY COLCH107 944 934/ 57 W29 L16 W30 W18 W15 4.0
6 STEELE, ZACHARY CARDH880 778 810/ 49 W31 W40 L14 W23 W21 4.0
7 MIGITA, TAIGA LARDD110 640 727/ 30 W52 L1 W29 W43 W28 4.0
8 LENDERMAN, TAYLOR NORD3718 729 824/ 58 W61 W41 L1 W40 W14 4.0
9 MALQUIST, BENJAMIN LARDJ768 802 821/ 77 W54 W18 W16 L1 D10 3.5
10 HERRON, TREY HPVCE372 665 730/ 82 W44 W35 L2 W17 D9 3.5
11 WINE, TRISTAN RESDE596 701 735/103 D12 W19 W39 W28 L2 3.5
12 JOHNSON, ELLIOTT LARDD700 400 547/ 10 D11 L28 W37 W50 W36 3.5
13 JOHNSON, MAX LARB9799 752 719/ 10 D19 W43 L28 W49 W30 3.5
14 CARPENTER, COLTON SAID4173 1090 1039/125 W51 W26 W6 L3 L8 3.0
15 DRURY, GABE NBLD1769 748 768/ 73 W37 W21 L4 W16 L5 3.0
16 GOO, AUDREY ASTD6863 600 667/ 82 W38 W5 L9 L15 W41 3.0
17 JAMES, MATTHEW NBLDE097 442 581/ 20 L3 W52 W24 L10 W34 3.0
18 LOISEL, CHASE ASTDF394 624 645/ 59 W58 L9 W31 L5 W46 3.0
19 COBALLES, MATTHEW NBLDD713 415 533/ 10 D13 L11 W33 D42 W45 3.0
20 SAWYER, JOE LARD3528 679 676/ 80 W33 W48 L3 L21 W40 3.0
21 ANDRADE, JOSE TPSBA413 508 593/ 15 W53 L15 W59 W20 L6 3.0
22 KING, TAYLOR ASTDH361 738 723/ 91 W55 L39 W46 W25 L4 3.0
23 WINTERS, SAMUEL NBLCG368 546 593/ 42 W62 L3 W41 L6 W42 3.0
24 BURKE, ALEXANDER LARDD348 637 644/ 40 W57 L4 L17 W44 W39 3.0
25 KAECH, RICHY SKYBC022 607 594/ 76 L41 W42 W44 L22 W43 3.0
26 REAVLEY, WILSON HPVD9808 649 644/ 54 W63 L14 L27 W55 W35 3.0
27 HARLE, NIKHIL CDRCJ930 447 525/ 19 L2 W62 W26 HPB HPB 3.0
28 WENDLING, JACK ASTDG787 659 650/ 57 D34 W12 W13 L11 L7 2.5
29 COBALLES, JOSHUA NBLCB082 430 502/ 10 L5 W38 L7 D53 W49 2.5
30 SAMUELSON, JEREMY RESC9677 400 602/ 5 D39 W54 L5 W51 L13 2.5
31 VIEGAS, KATYA NORDJ566 423 463/ 24 L6 W57 L18 D38 W53 2.5
32 STEWARDSON, LIAM EAGBB112 448 494/ 8 L1 D33 L42 W63 W48 2.5
33 WHITNEY, BRIAN HPVDA375 400 509/ 5 L20 D32 L19 W54 W51 2.5
34 BAUTISTA-HEPKER, ORION LARCG253 400 469/ 9 D28 D36 W60 D39 L17 2.5
35 FRYE, JENNIFER LARDJ501 496 500/ 20 W50 L10 D48 W56 L26 2.5
36 SAYLER, BEN NORCD371 533 501/ 18 D42 D34 D56 W48 L12 2.5
37 SCHOENECKER, JAMES ASTDF322 410 441/ 15 L15 D49 L12 W62 W50 2.5
38 SCHUBECK, CONNER LARCJ647 400 482/ 5 L16 L29 W61 D31 W56 2.5
39 CHORVAT, CHRIS NBLCC437 543 550/ 14 D30 W22 L11 D34 L24 2.0
40 DEBOO, LOGAN ASTDB063 533 532/ 15 W49 L6 W53 L8 L20 2.0
41 WINE, TAHLIA RESAA750 400 449/ 14 W25 L8 L23 W60 L16 2.0
42 SCHEIRMAN, KAIA OBKCB137 400 458/ 5 D36 L25 W32 D19 L23 2.0
43 DEBOO, OWEN ASTB2870 400 416/ 8 BYE L13 W45 L7 L25 2.0
44 HEGARTY, PATRICK EAGDE751 400 425/ 15 L10 W47 L25 L24 W60 2.0
45 SALVATIERRA, CHRISTIAN NORBA411 607 534/ 10 W56 L2 L43 W59 L19 2.0
46 THOMPSON, CHRIS LARDH086 458 479/ 30 L4 W63 L22 W57 L18 2.0
47 PARKS, JOB NBLC2825 565 434/ 9 L48 L44 L49 W52 W59 2.0
48 BOURLIER, BENJAMIN HPVBF730 400 400/ 5 W47 L20 D35 L36 L32 1.5
49 MOELLER, MATTHEW ECSDG007 400 400/ 5 L40 D37 W47 L13 L29 1.5
50 RODRIGUEZ, CARMELITA MTNCJ043 400 400/ 5 L35 W55 D51 L12 L37 1.5
51 HEGARTY, DEIRDRE EAGBF717 465 438/ 15 L14 W58 D50 L30 L33 1.5
52 SULAK, ZACHARY EAGD6362 400 400/ 10 L7 L17 D54 L47 W61 1.5
53 VINCENT, KARYLLINE CARCA696 400 400/ 5 L21 W61 L40 D29 L31 1.5
54 BOULOS, BASSAM SAIDB650 427 408/ 23 L9 L30 D52 L33 W62 1.5
55 ANDRADE, ANGELICA TPSDJ626 405 400/ 15 L22 L50 W58 L26 D57 1.5
56 SLAUGHTER, NICKOLAS SKYBG121 400 400/ 17 L45 BYE D36 L35 L38 1.5
57 WILSON, NICHOLAS NBLB7658 400 400/ 7 L24 L31 BYE L46 D55 1.5
58 CANTRELL, NYAL LARCJ600 400 400/ 9 L18 L51 L55 D61 W63 1.5
59 CHRYSLER, HAILEY ASTC2799 400 400/ 3 HPB HPB L21 L45 L47 1.0
60 STEELE, RILEY CARBD330 466 400/ 23 HPB HPB L34 L41 L44 1.0
61 LEONARD JR., ANDREW NBLCE178 404 400/ 29 L8 L53 L38 D58 L52 0.5
62 EVANS, ALEXA EAGB7487 400 400/ 5 L23 L27 D63 L37 L54 0.5
63 DEPALMA, FRANCIS ASTBF984 400 400/ 9 L26 L46 D62 L32 L58 0.5
MARCH 15, 2008
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 tot
1 JENNINGS, AUSTIN HSCI4849 1146 1226/ 58 W8 W14 W4 W2 W5 5.0
2 STEWARDSON, PAUL LYMH4704 1165 1176/ 95 W13 W9 W3 L1 W4 4.0
3 RIANDA, BEN VSTH7794 761 885/128 W16 W5 L2 W13 D12 3.5
4 LESH, ROBYN LYMIA140 1006 1004/104 W15 W7 L1 W8 L2 3.0
5 PITCHER, RYAN LYCG8308 993 994/127 W17 L3 W10 W9 L1 3.0
6 DUNFORD, NATHAN HSCH8195 574 652/ 14 L9 BYE L8 W14 W13 3.0
7 BLOK, CONNOR LYCGD323 542 614/ 39 BYE L4 L11 W17 W15 3.0
8 STOCKTON, SHANE LYCGI631 742 789/ 23 L1 W11 W6 L4 D9 2.5
9 BLOK, DYLAN LYCGG840 893 882/ 56 W6 L2 W15 L5 D8 2.5
10 SAYEGH, JAMIE WHMG9562 1023 962/ 87 D11 W12 L5 L15 W16 2.5
11 EVANS, ETHAN HSCG3309 722 732/ 15 D10 L8 W7 L12 W17 2.5
12 TEFFT-MEEKER, DEVON FHVH5594 924 880/ 93 L14 L10 W16 W11 D3 2.5
13 CHAMBERS, SEAN ASTGH930 758 737/ 61 L2 W16 W14 L3 L6 2.0
14 STEENSMA, BEN LYCI7236 666 655/ 47 W12 L1 L13 L6 BYE 2.0
15 MABERRY, DAVID LYCGI939 716 714/ 44 L4 W17 L9 W10 L7 2.0
16 ANKER, ANTHONY LYCG9163 627 578/ 59 L3 L13 L12 BYE L10 1.0
17 WILKINSON, MARSHALL EDIH8979 586 518/ 19 L5 L15 BYE L7 L11 1.0
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 tot
1 ZEHNDER, RILEY HSCE4476 1015 1142/131 W12 W18 W4 W2 W5 5.0
2 ENGLE, LANGSTON LARF2668 1026 1060/ 96 W14 W3 W7 L1 W9 4.0
3 WITECKI, IAN ASTF9565 934 1043/179 W17 L2 W6 W4 W8 4.0
4 BROWN, KENNETH LLLF4291 1185 1152/127 W11 W5 L1 L3 W6 3.0
5 RIANDA, WILL NBLF2326 946 941/123 W9 L4 W12 W10 L1 3.0
6 SMARTT, KALEB HSCF4368 917 948/ 75 W19 W8 L3 W7 L4 3.0
7 KNAPP, ROBERT J LYCF8465 995 965/ 89 W15 W10 L2 L6 W13 3.0
8 DEVANGE, ISAAC LARE6005 1024 988/ 99 W16 L6 W14 W13 L3 3.0
9 VALDEZ, PAUL HSCFF938 453 631/ 10 L5 W11 W15 W18 L2 3.0
10 VALDEZ, PHILIP HSCE8125 400 607/ 10 W13 L7 W18 L5 W12 3.0
11 BENNETT, BLAIR ASTF8625 607 610/ 71 L4 L9 W17 D16 W18 2.5
12 VAN DE POEL, ALEXANDER ASTF9605 541 560/ 98 L1 W17 L5 W14 L10 2.0
13 NGUYEN, RANDY ASTF4775 734 704/ 48 L10 W15 W16 L8 L7 2.0
14 BORSEMA, JACK LYCFG216 565 558/ 14 L2 W19 L8 L12 W20 2.0
15 LESH, LAINEY WHCEI034 537 542/ 41 L7 L13 L9 W19 W16 2.0
16 SCHRIPSEMA, MICHAEL LYCF5887 564 531/ 30 L8 W20 L13 D11 L15 1.5
17 SINGLETON, SHION LYCF6426 420 410/ 20 L3 L12 L11 D20 W19 1.5
18 HORNSTRA, BRADY LYCEA279 649 571/ 35 W20 L1 L10 L9 L11 1.0
19 GOODIN, KATHERINE ASTFH716 444 400/ 30 L6 L14 W20 L15 L17 1.0
20 MEADE, MATTHEW COLEA689 400 400/ 5 L18 L16 L19 D17 L14 0.5
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 tot
1 CARPENTER, COLTON SAID4173 1039 1155/130 W26 W10 W6 W5 W2 5.0
2 HOWARD-SNYDER, WILLIAM SAICE130 1110 1127/175 W15 W9 W3 W4 L1 4.0
3 LOWRY, JASON ASTCG811 997 1023/ 66 W18 W11 L2 W8 W12 4.0
4 VELDHUISEN, TY COLCH107 934 976/ 62 W29 W16 W7 L2 W14 4.0
5 BOWHAY, DAWSON CARD8381 1065 1070/143 W24 W25 W13 L1 W10 4.0
6 STEELE, ZACHARY CARDH880 810 865/ 54 W28 W14 L1 W23 W11 4.0
7 HOWARD-SNYDER, PETER SAICH798 1052 1046/180 W31 W30 L4 W20 W9 4.0
8 LIU, MARK BCXCX739 400 921/ 5 W23 D20 W27 L3 W21 3.5
9 WINE, TRISTAN RESDE596 735 784/108 W17 L2 W15 W19 L7 3.0
10 KING, TAYLOR ASTDH361 723 758/ 96 W38 L1 W18 W24 L5 3.0
11 SAWYER, JOE LARD3528 676 721/ 85 W35 L3 W26 W13 L6 3.0
12 HARLE, NIKHIL CDRCJ930 525 701/ 24 W21 W27 L20 W30 L3 3.0
13 LENDERMAN, TAYLOR NORD3718 824 820/ 63 W36 W19 L5 L11 W20 3.0
14 DEBOO, LOGAN ASTDB063 532 640/ 19 BYE L6 W16 W25 L4 3.0
15 LOISEL, CHASE ASTDF394 645 675/ 64 L2 W17 L9 W33 W31 3.0
16 MCQUAIDE, BAKER CDRD4882 671 683/ 36 W32 L4 L14 W28 W24 3.0
17 MICHELIN, JUSTIN LARDD097 417 567/ 19 L9 L15 W35 W26 W23 3.0
18 WEST, JAKE ECSCH615 549 620/ 22 L3 W35 L10 W37 W25 3.0
19 WENDLING, JACK ASTDG787 650 656/ 62 W37 L13 W36 L9 W29 3.0
20 SMARTT, HENRY HSCC5454 767 782/ 71 W22 D8 W12 L7 L13 2.5
21 MALQUIST, BENJAMIN LARDJ768 821 775/ 82 L12 D22 W32 W27 L8 2.5
22 SCHOENECKER, JAMES ASTDF322 441 492/ 20 L20 D21 L28 W36 W34 2.5
23 GOO, AUDREY ASTD6863 667 641/ 87 L8 W34 W29 L6 L17 2.0
24 REAVLEY, WILSON HPVD9808 644 635/ 59 L5 W33 W30 L10 L16 2.0
25 HERRON, TREY HPVCE372 730 678/ 87 W33 L5 W31 L14 L18 2.0
26 GOODIN, ZACHARY ASTDJ531 560 547/ 30 L1 W38 L11 L17 W37 2.0
27 FINKBONNER, JAKE ASTCA442 800 665/ 8 W34 L12 L8 L21 W38 2.0
28 WHITNEY, BRIAN HPVDA375 509 500/ 10 L6 L32 W22 L16 W36 2.0
29 JOHNSON, ELLIOTT LARDD700 547 537/ 15 L4 W37 L23 W32 L19 2.0
30 MIGITA, TAIGA LARDD110 727 676/ 35 W39 L7 L24 L12 W35 2.0
31 SAMUELSON, JEREMY RESC9677 602 533/ 10 L7 W39 L25 D34 L15 1.5
32 BAGLEY, BEN ASTCJ033 400 415/ 5 L16 W28 L21 L29 D33 1.5
33 BOULOS, BASSAM SAIDB650 408 405/ 28 L25 L24 W38 L15 D32 1.5
34 BAUTISTA-HEPKER, ORION LARCG253 469 440/ 14 L27 L23 W39 D31 L22 1.5
35 SLUYS, JULIA ASTD2466 400 400/ 9 L11 L18 L17 BYE L30 1.0
36 KAATZ, MADILYN NORCE725 400 400/ 9 L13 BYE L19 L22 L28 1.0
37 CLAUSEN, KEVIN HPVCF292 400 400/ 9 L19 L29 BYE L18 L26 1.0
38 CANTRELL, NYAL LARCJ600 400 400/ 14 L10 L26 L33 W39 L27 1.0
39 CHRYSLER, HAILEY ASTC2799 400 400/ 7 L30 L31 L34 L38 BYE 1.0
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 tot
1 SIVAGURUNATHAN, SHUVETHHSCBJ643 982 1038/ 15 W7 W2 W4 W3 W5 5.0
2 SALVATIERRA, CHRISTIAN NORBA411 534 747/ 15 W8 L1 W11 W4 W6 4.0
3 JOHNSON, MAX LARB9799 719 774/ 15 W6 W12 W5 L1 W9 4.0
4 WONG, DYLAN ASTA9914 727 727/ 15 W16 W13 L1 L2 W11 3.0
5 KAECH, RICHY SKYBC022 594 626/ 81 W19 W17 L3 W10 L1 3.0
6 DEBOO, OWEN ASTB2870 416 499/ 13 L3 W15 W13 W17 L2 3.0
7 RYBKA, BARRETT ASTBD955 443 528/ 30 L1 L8 W14 W18 W13 3.0
8 SWETS, NATHAN HPVB9633 400 591/ 5 L2 W7 L12 W14 W17 3.0
9 BOURLIER, BENJAMIN HPVBF730 400 503/ 10 L11 W20 W18 W12 L3 3.0
10 DANENHOWER, ASA SAIBA314 400 554/ 5 L13 W16 W17 L5 W12 3.0
11 ENGLE, ANDREW LARBG591 633 622/ 38 W9 W14 L2 HPB L4 2.5
12 WEST, ERIC ECSBE300 497 490/ 17 W15 L3 W8 L9 L10 2.0
13 JAKOBITZ, URIAH LYLB7729 500 487/ 15 W10 L4 L6 W15 L7 2.0
14 MEADE, ELLA COLBJ599 400 416/ 5 W18 L11 L7 L8 W19 2.0
15 HURTIG, MAX SAIBB138 400 400/ 5 L12 L6 W16 L13 W18 2.0
16 VERRET, NOLAN CARAJ627 400 400/ 9 L4 L10 L15 W19 BYE 2.0
17 MALQUIST, JOHN LARAF952 461 400/ 15 W20 L5 L10 L6 L8 1.0
18 WINE, TAHLIA RESAA750 449 400/ 19 L14 W19 L9 L7 L15 1.0
19 DEPALMA, FRANCIS ASTBF984 400 400/ 13 L5 L18 WF L16 L14 1.0
20 STOANE, CADEN SAIAF631 400 400/ 2 L17 L9 LF U U 0.0
Details for events below at http://mysite.verizon.net/kaech/
Jun 24 Hot Summer Chess I http://mysite.verizon.net/kaech/grandprix08.html
Jun 30-Jul 2 Lynden Christian Chess Camp http://mysite.verizon.net/kaech/2008chesscamp.doc
Jul 10 Hot Summer Chess II
Jul 31 Hot Summer Chess III
Aug 14 Hot Summer Chess IV
For scholastic tournament information beyond NW Washington, consult the two authoritative sources:
WHSCA (and OSCF) Scholastic Calendar: http://www.whsca.org/calendar.html
Northwest Chess Magazine: http://www.nwchess.com/calendar/index.htm#Scholastic%20Events
They both announce scholastic events throughout Washington and Oregon.
And for all the scholastic tourneys just across the border:
BC Junior Chess Calendar http://www.bjdy.com/juniorchess/events.html
// o\_
To enroll or be removed from Chess Memo list, email kaech@verizon.net.
1. 2008 Lynden Christian Chess Camp, June 30-July 2 ENTER NOW
2. June 24: 1st (of 4) Hot Summer Chess
3. Locals compete at Elementary State
4. Results: Chess F.E.S.T. (120 players)
5. Results: Assumption Tourney (96 players)
6. Chess Calendar
This just in!
Dowload the forms at http://mysite.verizon.net/kaech/2008chesscamp.doc .
Fourteen spots currently remain, so don't dilly-dally, Sally.
JUNE 30 - JULY 2, 2008 (Monday-Wednesday)
503 Nooksack Avenue Lynden, WA 98264
Open to: 2nd – 11th Grade serious tournament chess players rated between 750 and 1350.
All players must be proficient at recording their chess games.
Chess Instructors: Randy A. Walther & Peter F. June.
Educational Program: Openings, endgame study, tactics and chess puzzles for intermediate to advanced-intermediate players.
The chess camp will include a six round NWSRS rated chess tournament for all the players.
Tournament Prizes: A very generous amount of U.S. Mint Commemorative Silver Dollars and Half Dollars will be awarded.
Equipment: Chess equipment is provided, but bring your digital delay chess clocks if you have them.
Recreational activities include outdoor basketball and a supervised open playground. Dress for indoor and outdoor activities (play shoes, T-shirts, sweatshirts, shorts or jeans).
Lunch: Bring a sack lunch. No food will be provided! It will be a good idea for campers to bring water bottles.
Registration fee: $80.00 per camper (Postmarked by June 26th).
Please pay by check or money order. Credit cards will not be accepted.
Late registration fee: $100.00 per camper (Postmarked after June 26th and received by June 30th).
Cancellation fee: $10.00 per camper.
Daily Schedule:
9:00 am - 9:10 am Parents drop off campers
9:15 am - 10:30 am 1st Classroom Lesson
10:30 am - 10:55 am Break for all campers
11:00 am - 12:00 pm 2nd Classroom Lesson
12:00 pm - 12:45 pm Lunch Break
12:45pm - 3:35 pm NWSRS Rated Tournament Games for all students
3:30 pm - 3:50 pm Parents pick-up their chess campers
Daily Tournament schedule:
Rounds at 12:45 pm & 2:15 pm (Time Control: Game/40 minutes w/5 second delay)
Register early! The plan is to limit the camp to 24 students.
DOWNLOAD the camp registration form, permission/health form, liability waiver and camp conduct forms at http://mysite.verizon.net/kaech/2008chesscamp.doc .
Questions? Contact Randy Walther at (360) 757-3285 or randywalther@msn.com.
Where: Bellingham Public Library, 210 Central Ave, Bellingham.
What time: Registration is from 6:00 - 6:10pm each evening.
What: 1.Chess learning, and 2.Chess playing.
Two Sections:
Total Beginner Section: - For those who don't know how to play chess (and beginners), we'll teach you how to play. Then we'll play casual practice games.
Tourney Section (for most of you): For those who know how to play, want to compete in a tournament, and are able to write down their moves (or willing to learn on the spot), we have the traditional four rated Grand Prix tournaments. (Freshly graduated HS seniors welcome.)
The Hot Summer Chess Grand Prix 2008 series of tournaments will be held Tuesday June 24, and Thursdays July 10, July 31 and August 14 at the Bellingham Public Library, downstairs in the meeting room. These events are free and open to K-12th grade players of all abilities, beginner to experienced, so bring a friend!
Cost? The Hot Summer Chess Grand Prix events are offered free. We will have a donation jar present at check-in to help cover the expenses of NWSRS rating fees, trophies, scoresheets and other supplies. Suggested donation is $2 per player per tourney.
Grand Prix Tourney Section: Players are placed in different playing groups of approximately equal playing ability based on grade and the latest NWSRS ratings. Players rated 900 or higher will play in 4-player "Quad" sections, two games, each player getting 45 minutes on the chess clock. The remainder (most) will play in 8-player (usually) "Octagonal" sections. These feature three games, no elimination, with 30 minutes per player on the clock.
Win the Grand Prix!
In addition to small prizes for tourney section winners each evening, the five players who accumulate the most points overall in all four Hot Summer Chess tourneys will be declared Hot Summer Chess Grand Prix Champions, and will receive trophies! The Grand Prix formula rewards players who are improving, so you could win if you put your mind to it! The current, updated NWSRS ratings will be used in each Hot Summer Chess tourney.
Schedule for each HSC Grand Prix:
6:00 pm - Registration opens, help with setup please, thank you!
Registration closes at 6:10 pm sharp
Beginners Class - 6:15 in small conference room
GP Round 1 - 6:40 pm or asap
GP Round 2 - 7:40 pm or asap (Round 2 at 8:00 for Quad sections)
GP Round 3 - 8:40 pm or asap
Help with room takedown afterwards, thank you!
High Score Engame Contest:
Last year only seven players over the entire summer received a free chess T-shirt by winning the three piece forced win endgame position. Can you win from the simple position on the website? Give it a shot!
Don't be late:
In order to get the tournament going promptly, and concluded on time, registration will close at 6:10 sharp. Or, if there's a registration line, as soon as the line ends after 6:10. So please don't be late, as the sectional format is not conducive to late entries, and we'd have to turn you away. Thanks!
Sponsored by the Bellingham Public Library (thanks!).
Details and results will be at http://mysite.verizon.net/kaech/grandprix08.html .
A total of 1,414 elementary school students competed in the Washington State Elementary School Chess Championships on Saturday, April 26, 2008 in Redmond, Washington on the Overlake Christian Church campus. A new record for largest tourney in the State of Washington, I believe! A number of locals competed, and I won't list them all because I'll probably miss some. You can inspect the full crosstable and results at http://www.whsca.org/2008StateElem.html. Congratulations to the following Champions, all from Bellingham, who all scored 4 wins (out of 5 games) at State:
Kenneth Brown of Lowell Elementary, 5th grade division, tied for 9th
Riley Zehnder, home school, 4th grade division, tied for 11th
Dawson Bowhay of Carl Cozier Elementary, 3rd grade division, tied for 12th
William Howard-Snyder of St. Pauls, 2nd grade division, tied for 8th
Jason Lowry of Assumption School, 2nd grade division, tied for 8th
MARCH 8, 2008
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 tot
1 BEHAR, JOSHUA TPSCG770 1328 1354/ 88 W32 W16 W7 W3 W4 5.0
2 BROWN, KENNETH LLLF4291 1172 1185/122 W49 W23 D11 W27 W5 4.5
3 ZEHNDER, RILEY HSCE4476 985 1015/126 W29 W22 W13 L1 W24 4.0
4 EVERTON, SAM MEIG4075 990 1017/ 42 W35 W19 W20 W12 L1 4.0
5 PITCHER, RYAN LYCG8308 860 993/122 W37 W15 W27 W6 L2 4.0
6 DEVANGE, ISAAC LARE6005 1014 1024/ 94 W41 W14 W9 L5 W13 4.0
7 WITECKI, IAN ASTF9565 876 934/174 W33 W17 L1 W19 W15 4.0
8 RIANDA, WILL NBLF2326 935 946/118 W39 W28 L12 W11 W17 4.0
9 CARPENTER, CONNOR SAIG6627 846 878/117 W50 W34 L6 W28 W14 4.0
10 ROGERS, JUSTIN RESFH243 785 807/ 75 L12 W54 W49 W22 W18 4.0
11 SULLIVAN, LAKE MTNF7689 904 924/107 W48 W30 D2 L8 W12 3.5
12 POLLOCK, VICTORIA SKYGH577 493 739/ 14 W10 W26 W8 L4 L11 3.0
13 PARKS, ISAAC NBLE4924 722 808/ 25 W31 W21 L3 W29 L6 3.0
14 WINTERS, ISAAC NBLF1487 690 758/ 65 W18 L6 W33 W20 L9 3.0
15 SELIG, LUKAS LARFG814 660 776/ 46 W53 L5 W21 W16 L7 3.0
16 BOURLIER, NICHOLAS HPVEH060 784 801/ 10 W42 L1 W40 L15 W35 3.0
17 MORRISSET, ROBERT HPVE3669 671 703/ 39 W45 L7 W51 W25 L8 3.0
18 EVANS, ADAM EAGEB851 400 614/ 8 L14 W41 W34 W30 L10 3.0
19 MABERRY, DAVID LYCGI939 696 716/ 39 W51 L4 W37 L7 W36 3.0
20 MISZCZAK, LIAM SAIE8682 805 794/ 91 W46 W36 L4 L14 W32 3.0
21 SAYEGH, JAMIE WHMG9562 1089 1023/ 82 W38 L13 L15 W31 W34 3.0
22 LIKKEL, DRAKE LYCG7027 683 703/ 41 W56 L3 W36 L10 W40 3.0
23 KAMBHIRANOND, PJ PINYA TPSF2325 780 768/ 29 W52 L2 L29 W37 W33 3.0
24 HAN, HENRY HPVED948 779 790/ 35 W43 L27 W48 W32 L3 3.0
25 STOCKTON, SHANE LYCGI631 779 742/ 18 L36 W46 W35 L17 W39 3.0
26 AHO, BILLY BACEE101 810 770/ 33 W55 L12 L32 W48 W38 3.0
27 CHMELIK, BRIAN KULG2902 1014 990/119 W40 W24 L5 L2 HPB 2.5
28 KAECH, STONE SKYE6398 687 683/151 W44 L8 W50 L9 D29 2.5
29 HORNSTRA, BRADY LYCEA279 609 649/ 30 L3 W56 W23 L13 D28 2.5
30 KAHLE, JIMMY CUEE2025 664 635/ 63 W47 L11 D31 L18 W45 2.5
31 LESH, LAINEY WHCEI034 414 537/ 36 L13 W38 D30 L21 W47 2.5
32 MORRIS, JULIA LYCFE440 655 670/ 58 L1 W42 W26 L24 L20 2.0
33 SCHRIPSEMA, MICHAEL LYCF5887 553 564/ 25 L7 W45 L14 W41 L23 2.0
34 RIANDA, MEGAN NBLG2570 664 637/123 W57 L9 L18 W52 L21 2.0
35 EARLE, LOGAN LARFB304 619 611/ 35 L4 W43 L25 W51 L16 2.0
36 KRAUSE, COLE TPSEH446 469 511/ 22 W25 L20 L22 W55 L19 2.0
37 VAN DE POEL, ALEXANDER ASTF9605 534 541/ 93 L5 W53 L19 L23 W51 2.0
38 WITZEL, BEN NBLE8369 652 616/ 65 L21 L31 W54 W44 L26 2.0
39 WELLS, JASON NORFF527 602 582/ 30 L8 L51 W43 W49 L25 2.0
40 MONTGOMERY, JEREMY SKYF5833 629 614/ 15 L27 W52 L16 W50 L22 2.0
41 POLLOCK, CABEL SKYEE566 612 577/ 20 L6 L18 W56 L33 W52 2.0
42 SANCHEZ, RONALDO SKYFF387 479 488/ 26 L16 L32 D45 D46 W49 2.0
43 PYLES, GRACE SAIG8127 456 468/ 54 L24 L35 L39 W53 W50 2.0
44 CREELMAN, GRACE WVEFI623 400 435/ 10 L28 L50 W46 L38 W48 2.0
45 WILSON, CALVIN NBLE7934 400 400/ 8 L17 L33 D42 W54 L30 1.5
46 RODRIGUEZ, ISAIAH MTNE3094 516 478/ 14 L20 L25 L44 D42 W55 1.5
47 SIM, ALEX SKYE3317 400 400/ 10 L30 L48 D55 W56 L31 1.5
48 DELARA, LIAM EAGE3580 566 514/ 44 L11 W47 L24 L26 L44 1.0
49 PYLES, CHRISTOPHER SAIE8739 652 574/ 97 L2 W55 L10 L39 L42 1.0
50 DRURY, ABBEY NBLE4320 528 474/ 30 L9 W44 L28 L40 L43 1.0
51 COE, MATTHEW NBLEF892 454 433/ 23 L19 W39 L17 L35 L37 1.0
52 SINGLETON, SHION LYCF6426 457 420/ 15 L23 L40 W53 L34 L41 1.0
53 BURTON, ANDREW NBLEF264 400 400/ 5 L15 L37 L52 L43 W56 1.0
54 OSGOOD, JONATHAN SKYEI607 400 400/ 19 HPB L10 L38 L45 HPB 1.0
55 CREELMAN, MIRIAM WVEG9624 527 400/ 10 L26 L49 D47 L36 L46 0.5
56 SCHOENECKER, SAVANNA ASTEG180 400 400/ 10 L22 L29 L41 L47 L53 0.0
57 IHRIG, BEN BEEF5648 500 400/ 1 L34 U U U U 0.0
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 tot
1 HOWARD-SNYDER, WILLIAM SAICE130 1046 1110/170 W32 W7 W8 W9 W3 5.0
2 HOWARD-SNYDER, PETER SAICH798 975 1052/175 W27 W45 W10 W4 W11 5.0
3 LOWRY, JASON ASTCG811 970 997/ 61 W17 W23 W20 W14 L1 4.0
4 BOWHAY, DAWSON CARD8381 1073 1065/138 W46 W24 W15 L2 W22 4.0
5 VELDHUISEN, TY COLCH107 944 934/ 57 W29 L16 W30 W18 W15 4.0
6 STEELE, ZACHARY CARDH880 778 810/ 49 W31 W40 L14 W23 W21 4.0
7 MIGITA, TAIGA LARDD110 640 727/ 30 W52 L1 W29 W43 W28 4.0
8 LENDERMAN, TAYLOR NORD3718 729 824/ 58 W61 W41 L1 W40 W14 4.0
9 MALQUIST, BENJAMIN LARDJ768 802 821/ 77 W54 W18 W16 L1 D10 3.5
10 HERRON, TREY HPVCE372 665 730/ 82 W44 W35 L2 W17 D9 3.5
11 WINE, TRISTAN RESDE596 701 735/103 D12 W19 W39 W28 L2 3.5
12 JOHNSON, ELLIOTT LARDD700 400 547/ 10 D11 L28 W37 W50 W36 3.5
13 JOHNSON, MAX LARB9799 752 719/ 10 D19 W43 L28 W49 W30 3.5
14 CARPENTER, COLTON SAID4173 1090 1039/125 W51 W26 W6 L3 L8 3.0
15 DRURY, GABE NBLD1769 748 768/ 73 W37 W21 L4 W16 L5 3.0
16 GOO, AUDREY ASTD6863 600 667/ 82 W38 W5 L9 L15 W41 3.0
17 JAMES, MATTHEW NBLDE097 442 581/ 20 L3 W52 W24 L10 W34 3.0
18 LOISEL, CHASE ASTDF394 624 645/ 59 W58 L9 W31 L5 W46 3.0
19 COBALLES, MATTHEW NBLDD713 415 533/ 10 D13 L11 W33 D42 W45 3.0
20 SAWYER, JOE LARD3528 679 676/ 80 W33 W48 L3 L21 W40 3.0
21 ANDRADE, JOSE TPSBA413 508 593/ 15 W53 L15 W59 W20 L6 3.0
22 KING, TAYLOR ASTDH361 738 723/ 91 W55 L39 W46 W25 L4 3.0
23 WINTERS, SAMUEL NBLCG368 546 593/ 42 W62 L3 W41 L6 W42 3.0
24 BURKE, ALEXANDER LARDD348 637 644/ 40 W57 L4 L17 W44 W39 3.0
25 KAECH, RICHY SKYBC022 607 594/ 76 L41 W42 W44 L22 W43 3.0
26 REAVLEY, WILSON HPVD9808 649 644/ 54 W63 L14 L27 W55 W35 3.0
27 HARLE, NIKHIL CDRCJ930 447 525/ 19 L2 W62 W26 HPB HPB 3.0
28 WENDLING, JACK ASTDG787 659 650/ 57 D34 W12 W13 L11 L7 2.5
29 COBALLES, JOSHUA NBLCB082 430 502/ 10 L5 W38 L7 D53 W49 2.5
30 SAMUELSON, JEREMY RESC9677 400 602/ 5 D39 W54 L5 W51 L13 2.5
31 VIEGAS, KATYA NORDJ566 423 463/ 24 L6 W57 L18 D38 W53 2.5
32 STEWARDSON, LIAM EAGBB112 448 494/ 8 L1 D33 L42 W63 W48 2.5
33 WHITNEY, BRIAN HPVDA375 400 509/ 5 L20 D32 L19 W54 W51 2.5
34 BAUTISTA-HEPKER, ORION LARCG253 400 469/ 9 D28 D36 W60 D39 L17 2.5
35 FRYE, JENNIFER LARDJ501 496 500/ 20 W50 L10 D48 W56 L26 2.5
36 SAYLER, BEN NORCD371 533 501/ 18 D42 D34 D56 W48 L12 2.5
37 SCHOENECKER, JAMES ASTDF322 410 441/ 15 L15 D49 L12 W62 W50 2.5
38 SCHUBECK, CONNER LARCJ647 400 482/ 5 L16 L29 W61 D31 W56 2.5
39 CHORVAT, CHRIS NBLCC437 543 550/ 14 D30 W22 L11 D34 L24 2.0
40 DEBOO, LOGAN ASTDB063 533 532/ 15 W49 L6 W53 L8 L20 2.0
41 WINE, TAHLIA RESAA750 400 449/ 14 W25 L8 L23 W60 L16 2.0
42 SCHEIRMAN, KAIA OBKCB137 400 458/ 5 D36 L25 W32 D19 L23 2.0
43 DEBOO, OWEN ASTB2870 400 416/ 8 BYE L13 W45 L7 L25 2.0
44 HEGARTY, PATRICK EAGDE751 400 425/ 15 L10 W47 L25 L24 W60 2.0
45 SALVATIERRA, CHRISTIAN NORBA411 607 534/ 10 W56 L2 L43 W59 L19 2.0
46 THOMPSON, CHRIS LARDH086 458 479/ 30 L4 W63 L22 W57 L18 2.0
47 PARKS, JOB NBLC2825 565 434/ 9 L48 L44 L49 W52 W59 2.0
48 BOURLIER, BENJAMIN HPVBF730 400 400/ 5 W47 L20 D35 L36 L32 1.5
49 MOELLER, MATTHEW ECSDG007 400 400/ 5 L40 D37 W47 L13 L29 1.5
50 RODRIGUEZ, CARMELITA MTNCJ043 400 400/ 5 L35 W55 D51 L12 L37 1.5
51 HEGARTY, DEIRDRE EAGBF717 465 438/ 15 L14 W58 D50 L30 L33 1.5
52 SULAK, ZACHARY EAGD6362 400 400/ 10 L7 L17 D54 L47 W61 1.5
53 VINCENT, KARYLLINE CARCA696 400 400/ 5 L21 W61 L40 D29 L31 1.5
54 BOULOS, BASSAM SAIDB650 427 408/ 23 L9 L30 D52 L33 W62 1.5
55 ANDRADE, ANGELICA TPSDJ626 405 400/ 15 L22 L50 W58 L26 D57 1.5
56 SLAUGHTER, NICKOLAS SKYBG121 400 400/ 17 L45 BYE D36 L35 L38 1.5
57 WILSON, NICHOLAS NBLB7658 400 400/ 7 L24 L31 BYE L46 D55 1.5
58 CANTRELL, NYAL LARCJ600 400 400/ 9 L18 L51 L55 D61 W63 1.5
59 CHRYSLER, HAILEY ASTC2799 400 400/ 3 HPB HPB L21 L45 L47 1.0
60 STEELE, RILEY CARBD330 466 400/ 23 HPB HPB L34 L41 L44 1.0
61 LEONARD JR., ANDREW NBLCE178 404 400/ 29 L8 L53 L38 D58 L52 0.5
62 EVANS, ALEXA EAGB7487 400 400/ 5 L23 L27 D63 L37 L54 0.5
63 DEPALMA, FRANCIS ASTBF984 400 400/ 9 L26 L46 D62 L32 L58 0.5
MARCH 15, 2008
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 tot
1 JENNINGS, AUSTIN HSCI4849 1146 1226/ 58 W8 W14 W4 W2 W5 5.0
2 STEWARDSON, PAUL LYMH4704 1165 1176/ 95 W13 W9 W3 L1 W4 4.0
3 RIANDA, BEN VSTH7794 761 885/128 W16 W5 L2 W13 D12 3.5
4 LESH, ROBYN LYMIA140 1006 1004/104 W15 W7 L1 W8 L2 3.0
5 PITCHER, RYAN LYCG8308 993 994/127 W17 L3 W10 W9 L1 3.0
6 DUNFORD, NATHAN HSCH8195 574 652/ 14 L9 BYE L8 W14 W13 3.0
7 BLOK, CONNOR LYCGD323 542 614/ 39 BYE L4 L11 W17 W15 3.0
8 STOCKTON, SHANE LYCGI631 742 789/ 23 L1 W11 W6 L4 D9 2.5
9 BLOK, DYLAN LYCGG840 893 882/ 56 W6 L2 W15 L5 D8 2.5
10 SAYEGH, JAMIE WHMG9562 1023 962/ 87 D11 W12 L5 L15 W16 2.5
11 EVANS, ETHAN HSCG3309 722 732/ 15 D10 L8 W7 L12 W17 2.5
12 TEFFT-MEEKER, DEVON FHVH5594 924 880/ 93 L14 L10 W16 W11 D3 2.5
13 CHAMBERS, SEAN ASTGH930 758 737/ 61 L2 W16 W14 L3 L6 2.0
14 STEENSMA, BEN LYCI7236 666 655/ 47 W12 L1 L13 L6 BYE 2.0
15 MABERRY, DAVID LYCGI939 716 714/ 44 L4 W17 L9 W10 L7 2.0
16 ANKER, ANTHONY LYCG9163 627 578/ 59 L3 L13 L12 BYE L10 1.0
17 WILKINSON, MARSHALL EDIH8979 586 518/ 19 L5 L15 BYE L7 L11 1.0
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 tot
1 ZEHNDER, RILEY HSCE4476 1015 1142/131 W12 W18 W4 W2 W5 5.0
2 ENGLE, LANGSTON LARF2668 1026 1060/ 96 W14 W3 W7 L1 W9 4.0
3 WITECKI, IAN ASTF9565 934 1043/179 W17 L2 W6 W4 W8 4.0
4 BROWN, KENNETH LLLF4291 1185 1152/127 W11 W5 L1 L3 W6 3.0
5 RIANDA, WILL NBLF2326 946 941/123 W9 L4 W12 W10 L1 3.0
6 SMARTT, KALEB HSCF4368 917 948/ 75 W19 W8 L3 W7 L4 3.0
7 KNAPP, ROBERT J LYCF8465 995 965/ 89 W15 W10 L2 L6 W13 3.0
8 DEVANGE, ISAAC LARE6005 1024 988/ 99 W16 L6 W14 W13 L3 3.0
9 VALDEZ, PAUL HSCFF938 453 631/ 10 L5 W11 W15 W18 L2 3.0
10 VALDEZ, PHILIP HSCE8125 400 607/ 10 W13 L7 W18 L5 W12 3.0
11 BENNETT, BLAIR ASTF8625 607 610/ 71 L4 L9 W17 D16 W18 2.5
12 VAN DE POEL, ALEXANDER ASTF9605 541 560/ 98 L1 W17 L5 W14 L10 2.0
13 NGUYEN, RANDY ASTF4775 734 704/ 48 L10 W15 W16 L8 L7 2.0
14 BORSEMA, JACK LYCFG216 565 558/ 14 L2 W19 L8 L12 W20 2.0
15 LESH, LAINEY WHCEI034 537 542/ 41 L7 L13 L9 W19 W16 2.0
16 SCHRIPSEMA, MICHAEL LYCF5887 564 531/ 30 L8 W20 L13 D11 L15 1.5
17 SINGLETON, SHION LYCF6426 420 410/ 20 L3 L12 L11 D20 W19 1.5
18 HORNSTRA, BRADY LYCEA279 649 571/ 35 W20 L1 L10 L9 L11 1.0
19 GOODIN, KATHERINE ASTFH716 444 400/ 30 L6 L14 W20 L15 L17 1.0
20 MEADE, MATTHEW COLEA689 400 400/ 5 L18 L16 L19 D17 L14 0.5
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 tot
1 CARPENTER, COLTON SAID4173 1039 1155/130 W26 W10 W6 W5 W2 5.0
2 HOWARD-SNYDER, WILLIAM SAICE130 1110 1127/175 W15 W9 W3 W4 L1 4.0
3 LOWRY, JASON ASTCG811 997 1023/ 66 W18 W11 L2 W8 W12 4.0
4 VELDHUISEN, TY COLCH107 934 976/ 62 W29 W16 W7 L2 W14 4.0
5 BOWHAY, DAWSON CARD8381 1065 1070/143 W24 W25 W13 L1 W10 4.0
6 STEELE, ZACHARY CARDH880 810 865/ 54 W28 W14 L1 W23 W11 4.0
7 HOWARD-SNYDER, PETER SAICH798 1052 1046/180 W31 W30 L4 W20 W9 4.0
8 LIU, MARK BCXCX739 400 921/ 5 W23 D20 W27 L3 W21 3.5
9 WINE, TRISTAN RESDE596 735 784/108 W17 L2 W15 W19 L7 3.0
10 KING, TAYLOR ASTDH361 723 758/ 96 W38 L1 W18 W24 L5 3.0
11 SAWYER, JOE LARD3528 676 721/ 85 W35 L3 W26 W13 L6 3.0
12 HARLE, NIKHIL CDRCJ930 525 701/ 24 W21 W27 L20 W30 L3 3.0
13 LENDERMAN, TAYLOR NORD3718 824 820/ 63 W36 W19 L5 L11 W20 3.0
14 DEBOO, LOGAN ASTDB063 532 640/ 19 BYE L6 W16 W25 L4 3.0
15 LOISEL, CHASE ASTDF394 645 675/ 64 L2 W17 L9 W33 W31 3.0
16 MCQUAIDE, BAKER CDRD4882 671 683/ 36 W32 L4 L14 W28 W24 3.0
17 MICHELIN, JUSTIN LARDD097 417 567/ 19 L9 L15 W35 W26 W23 3.0
18 WEST, JAKE ECSCH615 549 620/ 22 L3 W35 L10 W37 W25 3.0
19 WENDLING, JACK ASTDG787 650 656/ 62 W37 L13 W36 L9 W29 3.0
20 SMARTT, HENRY HSCC5454 767 782/ 71 W22 D8 W12 L7 L13 2.5
21 MALQUIST, BENJAMIN LARDJ768 821 775/ 82 L12 D22 W32 W27 L8 2.5
22 SCHOENECKER, JAMES ASTDF322 441 492/ 20 L20 D21 L28 W36 W34 2.5
23 GOO, AUDREY ASTD6863 667 641/ 87 L8 W34 W29 L6 L17 2.0
24 REAVLEY, WILSON HPVD9808 644 635/ 59 L5 W33 W30 L10 L16 2.0
25 HERRON, TREY HPVCE372 730 678/ 87 W33 L5 W31 L14 L18 2.0
26 GOODIN, ZACHARY ASTDJ531 560 547/ 30 L1 W38 L11 L17 W37 2.0
27 FINKBONNER, JAKE ASTCA442 800 665/ 8 W34 L12 L8 L21 W38 2.0
28 WHITNEY, BRIAN HPVDA375 509 500/ 10 L6 L32 W22 L16 W36 2.0
29 JOHNSON, ELLIOTT LARDD700 547 537/ 15 L4 W37 L23 W32 L19 2.0
30 MIGITA, TAIGA LARDD110 727 676/ 35 W39 L7 L24 L12 W35 2.0
31 SAMUELSON, JEREMY RESC9677 602 533/ 10 L7 W39 L25 D34 L15 1.5
32 BAGLEY, BEN ASTCJ033 400 415/ 5 L16 W28 L21 L29 D33 1.5
33 BOULOS, BASSAM SAIDB650 408 405/ 28 L25 L24 W38 L15 D32 1.5
34 BAUTISTA-HEPKER, ORION LARCG253 469 440/ 14 L27 L23 W39 D31 L22 1.5
35 SLUYS, JULIA ASTD2466 400 400/ 9 L11 L18 L17 BYE L30 1.0
36 KAATZ, MADILYN NORCE725 400 400/ 9 L13 BYE L19 L22 L28 1.0
37 CLAUSEN, KEVIN HPVCF292 400 400/ 9 L19 L29 BYE L18 L26 1.0
38 CANTRELL, NYAL LARCJ600 400 400/ 14 L10 L26 L33 W39 L27 1.0
39 CHRYSLER, HAILEY ASTC2799 400 400/ 7 L30 L31 L34 L38 BYE 1.0
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 tot
1 SIVAGURUNATHAN, SHUVETHHSCBJ643 982 1038/ 15 W7 W2 W4 W3 W5 5.0
2 SALVATIERRA, CHRISTIAN NORBA411 534 747/ 15 W8 L1 W11 W4 W6 4.0
3 JOHNSON, MAX LARB9799 719 774/ 15 W6 W12 W5 L1 W9 4.0
4 WONG, DYLAN ASTA9914 727 727/ 15 W16 W13 L1 L2 W11 3.0
5 KAECH, RICHY SKYBC022 594 626/ 81 W19 W17 L3 W10 L1 3.0
6 DEBOO, OWEN ASTB2870 416 499/ 13 L3 W15 W13 W17 L2 3.0
7 RYBKA, BARRETT ASTBD955 443 528/ 30 L1 L8 W14 W18 W13 3.0
8 SWETS, NATHAN HPVB9633 400 591/ 5 L2 W7 L12 W14 W17 3.0
9 BOURLIER, BENJAMIN HPVBF730 400 503/ 10 L11 W20 W18 W12 L3 3.0
10 DANENHOWER, ASA SAIBA314 400 554/ 5 L13 W16 W17 L5 W12 3.0
11 ENGLE, ANDREW LARBG591 633 622/ 38 W9 W14 L2 HPB L4 2.5
12 WEST, ERIC ECSBE300 497 490/ 17 W15 L3 W8 L9 L10 2.0
13 JAKOBITZ, URIAH LYLB7729 500 487/ 15 W10 L4 L6 W15 L7 2.0
14 MEADE, ELLA COLBJ599 400 416/ 5 W18 L11 L7 L8 W19 2.0
15 HURTIG, MAX SAIBB138 400 400/ 5 L12 L6 W16 L13 W18 2.0
16 VERRET, NOLAN CARAJ627 400 400/ 9 L4 L10 L15 W19 BYE 2.0
17 MALQUIST, JOHN LARAF952 461 400/ 15 W20 L5 L10 L6 L8 1.0
18 WINE, TAHLIA RESAA750 449 400/ 19 L14 W19 L9 L7 L15 1.0
19 DEPALMA, FRANCIS ASTBF984 400 400/ 13 L5 L18 WF L16 L14 1.0
20 STOANE, CADEN SAIAF631 400 400/ 2 L17 L9 LF U U 0.0
Details for events below at http://mysite.verizon.net/kaech/
Jun 24 Hot Summer Chess I http://mysite.verizon.net/kaech/grandprix08.html
Jun 30-Jul 2 Lynden Christian Chess Camp http://mysite.verizon.net/kaech/2008chesscamp.doc
Jul 10 Hot Summer Chess II
Jul 31 Hot Summer Chess III
Aug 14 Hot Summer Chess IV
For scholastic tournament information beyond NW Washington, consult the two authoritative sources:
WHSCA (and OSCF) Scholastic Calendar: http://www.whsca.org/calendar.html
Northwest Chess Magazine: http://www.nwchess.com/calendar/index.htm#Scholastic%20Events
They both announce scholastic events throughout Washington and Oregon.
And for all the scholastic tourneys just across the border:
BC Junior Chess Calendar http://www.bjdy.com/juniorchess/events.html
// o\_
To enroll or be removed from Chess Memo list, email kaech@verizon.net.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Chess Memo 154
- - - Northwest Washington Scholastic Chess Ememo #154, March 2, 2008 - - -
1. March 8: Chess F.E.S.T, K-6 grades, Ferndale ENTER NOW
2. March 15: Assumption Tourney, K-8, Bellingham ENTER NOW
3. Chess in the Bellingham Herald, Skagit Valley Herald +
4. Ecuador Chess Champion available for classes, lessons
5. Online Chess Server for Kids
6. Fantasia Coffeehouse, Bellingham
7. Bobby Fischer, R.I.P.
8. State H.S. Championships in Burlington
9. Results: Chess Jam K-12, Ferndale
10.Chess Calendar
A chess playday and tournament for chessplayers of all abilities, Kindergarten to 6th grade, beginners to experienced players.
Don't know how to play chess? Learn, and come join us! Have a friend teach you!. Or, on the Internet:
How to play, on one page -- http://mysite.verizon.net/kaech/chessrules.html OR
Cool chess school -- http://www.chesskids.com/kidzone/index.shtml
Besides chess games, the F.E.S.T. fun includes **Climbing wall **Inflatable jump tent **Huge chess set **Covered area (bring a basketball!) **Saturday morning cartoons (TV) **Skyline long slides & refurbished playground **Gym as relaxation and awards area **On-site concessions
Three playing sections: Kindergarten, 1st-3rd grades, 4th-6th grades.
Schedule: Check-in 8:45 - 9:15am at the Skyline gym. Opening ceremonies at 9:20am. Approximate start times for each round: 10:00, 11:20, (lunch break), 12:50, 2:05, 3:20. Awards ceremony 4:40pm or ASAP. Note: If a player can't play the morning rounds, they can receive a half-point "bye" (tie game score) for the rounds missed. Must be requested in advance.
State Qualifier Tournament!
Kindergarten-6th grade players with winning scores (3/5) qualify to participate in the Washington State Elementary Chess Championships, being held April 26th 2008 in Redmond, Washington.
TO ENTER: Advance entry required. Entry fee $10. Entries must be mailed in with entry fee enclosed, and must be postmarked no later than Wednesday, March 5*. All players must check-in the morning of the tourney between 8:45 and 9:15. Make check to Skyline PTO. Mail entries to:
.....Skyline Elem. PTO - Chess
.....PO Box 905
.....Ferndale WA 98248
Include the following: Student's Full Name, Address, School, Grade, Phone, Email, T-shirt info if desired.
T-SHIRT OPTION: If you would like a Chess F.E.S.T. T-shirt, include an extra $12 with your entry, and mail your entry early, as *T-shirt information must be received by Tuesday, March 4. Indicate size (youth size) desired: S, M, L, or XL.
Further information: Visit the F.E.S.T. website and FAQ at http://mysite.verizon.net/kaech/chessfest08.html , email lesliecharlie@comcast.net, or phone 384-0312.
The F.E.S.T. is a joint effort of the Skyline Elementary Chess Club, North Bellingham Elementary Chess Club, and Eagleridge Elementary Chess Club. Proceeds benefit all F.S.D. elementaries.
SITE: Assumption gym in Bellingham, Washington located at 2116 Cornwall Avenue. This is a great location with a playground, concession stand, movies for the kids, and plenty of seating for the parents. Assumption is located adjacent to Bellingham High.
FORMAT: Three sections: K – 1st, 2nd – 3rd, 4th – 5th and 6th – 8th Grades. All three sections will be five round swiss, NWSRS rated, and computer paired. Games/30. Each player has 30 minutes.
SCHEDULE: Check-in will be from 8:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. in the Assumption Gym.
9:30 Rd 1, 11:00 Rd 2, 12:30 Rd 3, 2:00 Rd 4, 3:30 Rd 5, 4:45 Awards.
AWARDS: Individual trophies will be awarded to the top ten scorers in each section and team trophies will be awarded to the top 3 teams in each section. A team shall consist of four students enrolled in the same school for the 2007/2008 school year. Participants winning 3 games will also receive an award. Ties will be broken by computer according to WHSCA rules.
CONCESSIONS: Hot dogs, chips, and a soda will be available for lunch for $4 and other concessions will be available on site.
HOW TO REGISTER: Players must register in advance. Entry fee is $10 and must be postmarked by March 6, 2008. Please make checks payable to Assumption School PTC. Send entries to: Assumption School Chess Club, 2116 Cornwall Avenue, Bellingham, WA 98225.
On-site entries will be $15.00.
ASSUMPTION TOURNAMENT T-SHIRT: This year we have an Assumption Spring Tournament T-shirt available for purchase for $12. This T-shirt will be navy blue with white graphics and will only be available by pre-order and there will be no extras. Payment must be received in advance with entry form. Please indicate size preferred on entry form (indicate youth or adult size and S, M, L, XL)
TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR: Peter Witecki, 360-354-6867
DIRECTIONS: Visit the Assumption Catholic School Website at www.school.assumption.org. Click "About us" and then click "Contact us" and scroll to the bottom of the page for driving directions.
2nd Annual Assumption Catholic School Spring Chess Tournament
Sample Entry Form:
Student’s Name:___________________Grade:____ School:______________
Parents/Guardian Names:_____________________ e-mail:_______________
Home Address:____________________________ Phone:__________________
Entry Fee for Tournament…………………………………………………$10.00
T-shirt – Assumption School Spring Tournament t-shirt ………………$12.00
____Yes _____________Size
Pre-Order lunch special includes Hot Dog, Chips and a soda for $4.00.
Please indicate # of Lunches_________
(Do not send lunch money in advance, the $4 lunch fee will be collected on-site)
The Bellingham Herald: "The Game of Kings is the New King of Cool":
The Bellingham Herald: Photo Essay on the Whatcom County Scholastic Chess Championships
Skagit Valley Herald: "State's Best Gather at B-EHS For First Round of Championships":
(Final Results of H.S. State: http://www.whsca.org/StateTeam.html )
Seattle P-I: "National Chess Master at 14"
"Chess Season in the Northwest"
"Considerations before Competing"
Folks, sieze the day. We have here visiting us, until July, the Chess Champion of Ecuador. Ms. Mireya Isabel Levy Ortiz is currently residing in Bellingham, is friendly, college age, fluent in Spanish and passable in English, and would like to work with youth. She has represented her country in the World Youth Championships in Turkey, among other events. She's here to visit and learn about our country. So invite her over for dinner! Have her over for a lesson or two! Hire her for a lecture and simultaneous exhibition! Central Elementary in Ferndale is arranging to have her teach a bilingual after school chess class, and right now all of her after school teaching slots are not yet taken. Her email is mireyalevy@hotmail.com and her cel phone is 360-441-5369. Let's give her a real NW WA welcome!
The FICS (Free Internet Chess Server) is the oldest chess club on the Internet. In order to provide a safe environment for young players, they are just starting up a server intended for kids. jeanie.larson@gmail.com emailed with this:
"We are offering the KICS (Kids Internet Chess Server) as a closed scholastic server. Only schools and chess clubs with coach/teacher sponsors will be allowed to register on this server. We will not allow guest accounts once we are set up and running smoothly. We intend to provide a safe place for kids to come online to play chess. We would love to see schools practicing and communicating with each other in a safe environment online.
At this time, the server is still in its infancy and so account set-up is a manual process. Eventually it will be automated like our main server. We have mamer, the tourneybot online now and presently will be staffed by active TMs. I have also asked for JPComp(C) to be brought on board for use by the students to sharpen up their game. It is a modified version of the engine that runs on FICS so as to be challenging to a student without being so strong as to be unplayable. We will have a few others there eventually.
As far as naming convention for handles, I would like you to follow our guidelines of having school name, followed by first two initials of student first name and last name initial. For example: ClatskanieJEM, where JE are the first two initials of the students first name, and M is the first initial of the last name of the student.
We would like the schools readily identifiable to other schools. It would be nice to know which school you are playing against. :)
We keep the children's real names confidential to everybody but the admin staff, other than the sponsoring coaches, of course.
You will need to have the kids download a graphical interface. Babaschess is useful and a popular interface, so is Winboard. They will suffice for a short while. We are currently developing an official KICS interface, based on the Thief interface on FICS. This interface will point directly to KICS, for ease of logging onto the server. It will also be user-friendly for basic computer users. This interface is nearly ready. I will let you know how to download it once it becomes available.
Let me know if you have any questions! It is a pleasure "meeting" you and I look forward to speaking more with you soon. Feel free to let schools know that all they need to do is send me a list of their teachers/students and I can get them registered to the site.
I can assist you with your registrations. I will need the school name, coaches (or teacher/parents responsible for sponsoring the kids) and students real names."
Jeanie Larson
FICS Handle: Chessty
FICS Head Admin
I was aware the the Fantasia (in downtown Bellingham) was the place for grown-ups to catch a skittles game or two. And then I stumbled across this at http://www.nwchess.com , happens every Saturday. Warning: These guys (and gals) are g-o-o-d.
"Saturdays – G/15 tournament, Bellingham-Fantasia Coffee House on Cornwall Ave in Bellingham, WA. Time: 5:30. EF: $5.00. Cash Prize to 1st and 2nd. for more information contact nick@ebdgonline.com. "
The only chess champion of the world from the USA, Bobby Fischer died in Norway from health problems. His life makes for an amazing story.
Just a few of the hundreds of articles that have come out lately regarding his legacy:
Dick Cavett, talk show host, shares his thoughts (and includes his original interview with Bobby):
Seattle Councilman Bob Ferguson: "Dear Bobby, You Were My Childhood Hero"
Seven teams from the Northwest League participated in the State H.S. Chess Team Championships, held for the first time in our area (Burlington) on February 8-9. Full results are at http://www.whsca.org/StateTeam.html . Here's how the locals did:
5th: Lynden
14th: Lynden Christian
22nd: Sedro-Woolley
24th: Sehome
26th: Burlington-Edison
29th: Mount Vernon
31st: Ferndale
(Results best viewed in a fixed font, i.e. Courier)
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 rd6 tot
1 WITECKI, THOMAS LYEJ8805 1470 1494/413 BYE W12 W7 W3 D2 W6 5.5
2 BLANKERS, ELI LYCJ8258 1408 1420/189 BYE W9 W10 D5 D1 W7 5.0
3 DYKSTRA, NATHANIEL LYEK1761 1231 1258/191 BYE W16 W11 L1 W15 W10 5.0
4 NULLE, MATT SHMJ6661 1035 1160/181 BYE W6 L5 W11 W8 W13 5.0
5 VANDERVEEN, WILLIAM LYEK4049 1221 1259/196 BYE W19 W4 D2 L6 W17 4.5
6 BLANKERS, ZACK LYCM8382 1435 1405/193 BYE L4 W21 W13 W5 L1 4.0
7 SMITH, DUSTIN SEDMA158 1100 1126/ 35 BYE W8 L1 W19 W16 L2 4.0
8 THOMSON, TAYLOR HSCKB307 893 968/ 37 BYE L7 W25 W12 L4 W18 4.0
9 SYMONDS, CALOB LYMH4003 1014 1017/119 BYE L2 W26 W31 L10 W21 4.0
10 SPITZER, TIM SEDLD963 1108 1133/ 76 BYE W29 L2 W17 W9 L3 4.0
11 HAAN, JOSH LYCMJ815 853 910/ 71 BYE W20 L3 L4 W31 W16 4.0
12 GOO, ALBERT B SQUK3889 1036 1031/118 BYE L1 W22 L8 D17 W23 3.5
13 BENNETT, JEFFREY LYEK9896 878 968/177 BYE W18 D17 L6 W19 L4 3.5
14 RICCI, CODY LYEK8157 780 809/ 89 U W30 L18 W24 D27 W26 3.5
15 RYBKA, FENTON FERK9100 990 986/168 BYE L17 W23 W27 L3 HPB 3.5
16 GOO, ANTHONY C ASTH7666 967 952/144 BYE L3 W24 W18 L7 L11 3.0
17 HONCOOP, TERREN LYCL7330 1241 1182/106 BYE W15 D13 L10 D12 L5 3.0
18 LESH, ROBYN LYMIA140 1078 1006/ 99 BYE L13 W14 L16 W22 L8 3.0
19 ABBOTT, ALEXANDER FERK2280 940 914/131 BYE L5 W34 L7 L13 W27 3.0
20 EHRENFEUCHTER, JANNIK FERLA516 836 771/ 18 BYE L11 L27 L23 W28 W34 3.0
21 ROGERS, JULIE WHMHG022 807 825/ 66 U W32 L6 W34 W30 L9 3.0
22 RIANDA, BEN VSTH7794 732 761/123 U W28 L12 W32 L18 W31 3.0
23 SIMMONS, CHAZ LYCJ2314 668 746/ 85 U W36 L15 W20 W29 L12 3.0
24 STEENSMA, BEN LYCI7236 601 666/ 43 U W38 L16 L14 W32 W29 3.0
25 MENSING, KRIS FERKD129 681 683/ 70 U W33 L8 L29 W38 W30 3.0
26 DOTSON, JORDAN LYCJ6470 705 693/ 25 U W40 L9 D28 W35 L14 2.5
27 DEBOER, KALVIN LYCJF479 453 612/ 36 U W37 W20 L15 D14 L19 2.5
28 DUNFORD, NATHAN HSCH8195 542 574/ 10 U L22 W38 D26 L20 W33 2.5
29 EVANS, ETHAN HSCG3309 900 722/ 10 BYE L10 L31 W25 L23 L24 2.0
30 ALLEN, LAMON VSTHI994 549 553/ 33 U L14 W36 W37 L21 L25 2.0
31 HAN, AMY FHVHK070 583 614/ 30 U W35 W29 L9 L11 L22 2.0
32 HAMILTON, CAROLINE HSCHH216 564 555/ 35 U L21 W33 L22 L24 W39 2.0
33 BRANDT, LOREN LYCJJ603 400 424/ 9 U L25 L32 W39 W36 L28 2.0
34 RICCI, EVAN LYMH7739 584 586/ 39 U W39 L19 L21 W37 L20 2.0
35 APPLE, KURT VSTHI841 700 463/ 5 U L31 W40 D36 L26 D37 2.0
36 HENRY, COLTON FERJF320 400 400/ 12 U L23 L30 D35 L33 W38 1.5
37 KNUTSON, HOLLY FERLA455 725 537/ 9 U L27 W39 L30 L34 D35 1.5
38 MENSING, KAMERON VSTHG100 400 400/ 9 U L24 L28 BYE L25 L36 1.0
39 GAMMONS-REESE, DAVID LYLHI838 400 400/ 9 U L34 L37 L33 BYE L32 1.0
40 FISHER, GREG FERK5283 529 472/ 57 U L26 L35 U U U 0.0
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 tot
1 SOHAL, TANRAJ BCXGX474 1558 1573/ 67 W36 W15 W7 W4 W3 5.0
2 LEE, JONAH BCXCX438 1236 1265/ 52 W31 W16 W14 W5 W11 5.0
3 BROWN, KENNETH LLLF4291 1158 1172/117 W29 W39 W35 W6 L1 4.0
4 CHMELIK, BRIAN KULG2902 986 1014/115 W20 W27 W37 L1 W21 4.0
5 KNAPP, ROBERT J LYCF8465 953 976/ 79 W30 W17 W38 L2 W15 4.0
6 ZEHNDER, RILEY HSCE4476 959 985/121 W26 W40 W18 L3 W14 4.0
7 BLOK, DYLAN LYCGG840 826 866/ 46 W51 W56 L1 W17 W28 4.0
8 RIANDA, WILL NBLF2326 941 935/113 W41 L35 W23 W40 W19 4.0
9 PITCHER, RYAN LYCG8308 867 871/112 W57 L37 W36 W27 W16 4.0
10 WITECKI, IAN ASTF9565 855 876/169 W61 L38 W29 W35 W22 4.0
11 SUTER, ANDREW SAIE4434 836 917/ 79 HPB W12 W50 W13 L2 3.5
12 STOCKTON, SHANE LYMGI631 708 784/ 8 D28 L11 W57 W34 W39 3.5
13 SMARTT, KALEB HSCF4368 923 917/ 70 W42 W25 W24 L11 HPB 3.5
14 CARPENTER, CONNOR SAIG6627 831 846/112 W32 W23 L2 W25 L6 3.0
15 MISZCZAK, LIAM SAIE8682 777 805/ 86 W43 L1 W26 W18 L5 3.0
16 ROGERS, JUSTIN RESFH243 773 785/ 70 W45 L2 W30 W38 L9 3.0
17 RIANDA, MEGAN NBLG2570 640 664/118 W48 L5 W46 L7 W43 3.0
18 LIKKEL, DRAKE LYCG7027 612 683/ 36 W58 W21 L6 L15 W42 3.0
19 HAN, HENRY HPVED948 801 779/ 30 W60 L24 W20 W37 L8 3.0
20 ANKER, ANTHONY LYCG9163 555 627/ 55 L4 W47 L19 W51 W40 3.0
21 AHO, BILLY HSCEE101 838 810/ 28 W52 L18 W56 W24 L4 3.0
22 DEVANGE, ISAAC LARE6005 1077 1014/ 89 L56 W33 W34 W39 L10 3.0
23 SELIG, LUKAS LARFG814 595 660/ 41 W55 L14 L8 W50 W35 3.0
24 BORSEMA, JACK LYCFG216 400 565/ 9 BYE W19 L13 L21 W38 3.0
25 MORRIS, JULIA LYCFE440 655 676/ 48 W46 L13 W58 L14 W36 3.0
26 MONTGOMERY, JEREMY SKYF5833 534 629/ 10 L6 W49 L15 W59 W37 3.0
27 BOWHAY, CARSON KESEB133 703 691/ 30 W59 L4 W44 L9 D30 2.5
28 KAHLE, JIMMY CUEE2025 674 664/ 58 D12 L50 W45 W33 L7 2.5
29 WELLS, JASON NORFF527 584 602/ 25 L3 W51 L10 D32 W50 2.5
30 HAN, LAWRENCE CEEF3305 527 572/ 28 L5 W59 L16 W44 D27 2.5
31 DELARA, LIAM EAGE3580 592 566/ 39 L2 L45 W60 D52 W53 2.5
32 SCHRIPSEMA, MICHAEL LYCF5887 409 489/ 15 L14 W54 L39 D29 W52 2.5
33 HORNSTRA, BRADY LYCEA279 624 609/ 25 D50 L22 W53 L28 W55 2.5
34 MORRISSET, ROBBIE HPVE3669 675 671/ 29 W62 HPB L22 L12 W48 2.5
35 MABERRY, DAVID LYCGI939 685 696/ 34 W44 W8 L3 L10 L23 2.0
36 HAN, EDWARD CEEEG416 593 597/ 29 L1 W43 L9 W45 L25 2.0
37 PYLES, CHRISTOPHER SAIE8739 653 652/ 92 W53 W9 L4 L19 L26 2.0
38 EARLE, LOGAN LARFB304 613 619/ 30 W54 W10 L5 L16 L24 2.0
39 PARKS, ISAAC NBLE4924 740 722/ 20 W47 L3 W32 L22 L12 2.0
40 KAECH, STONE SKYE6398 721 687/146 W49 L6 W42 L8 L20 2.0
41 PYLES, GRACE SAIG8127 469 456/ 49 L8 L44 W47 L48 W59 2.0
42 DRURY, ABBEY NBLE4320 525 528/ 25 L13 W62 L40 W46 L18 2.0
43 SINGLETON, SHION LYCF6426 400 457/ 10 L15 L36 W54 W56 L17 2.0
44 TIPTON, CAMERON CAREK421 400 480/ 5 L35 W41 L27 L30 W57 2.0
45 GOODIN, KATHERINE ASTFH716 400 444/ 25 L16 W31 L28 L36 W62 2.0
46 VALDEZ, PAUL HSCFF938 500 453/ 5 L25 W61 L17 L42 W60 2.0
47 LESH, LAINEY WHCEI034 400 414/ 31 L39 L20 L41 W62 W58 2.0
48 NORDEEN, MATTHEW SKYG7871 600 462/ 3 L17 HPB HPB W41 L34 2.0
49 GAMMONS-REESE, GRACE LYLF2502 400 400/ 9 L40 L26 L52 BYE W56 2.0
50 CREELMAN, MIRIAM WVEG9624 600 527/ 5 D33 W28 L11 L23 L29 1.5
51 ALLEN, HAIZEL SKYFJ912 400 400/ 29 L7 L29 W62 L20 D54 1.5
52 URIBE, ALEC SKYEH808 424 402/ 25 L21 L58 W49 D31 L32 1.5
53 SIM, ALEX SKYE3317 400 400/ 5 L37 D57 L33 W58 L31 1.5
54 VALDEZ, PHILIP HSCE8125 400 400/ 5 L38 L32 L43 W61 D51 1.5
55 EVANS, ADAM EAGEB851 400 400/ 3 L23 D60 HPB HPB L33 1.5
56 VAN DE POEL, ALEXANDER ASTF9605 582 534/ 88 W22 L7 L21 L43 L49 1.0
57 CLEARY, SAM EAGEI060 446 401/ 20 L9 D53 L12 D60 L44 1.0
58 CLAY, NATHAN LYMGC914 600 400/ 5 L18 W52 L25 L53 L47 1.0
59 CREELMAN, GRACE WVEFI623 500 400/ 5 L27 L30 W61 L26 L41 1.0
60 ENNS, VICTORIA LYCGH399 400 400/ 10 L19 D55 L31 D57 L46 1.0
61 VANDER ZOUWEN, BRETON LYCG2788 458 400/ 30 L10 L46 L59 L54 BYE 1.0
62 JOHNSTON, JACOB LYCF1226 500 400/ 5 L34 L42 L51 L47 L45 0.0
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 tot
1 HOWARD-SNYDER, WILLIAM SAICE130 1016 1097/160 W24 W9 W11 W2 W5 5.0
2 LOWRY, JASON ASTCG811 918 970/ 56 W25 W6 W7 L1 W4 4.0
3 RUBBERT, GRANT LYCDK007 583 856/ 15 W8 W13 W18 L4 W11 4.0
4 HOWARD-SNYDER, PETER SAICH798 949 963/165 W28 W23 W12 W3 L2 4.0
5 VELDHUISEN, TY COLCH107 897 944/ 52 W26 W22 W20 W15 L1 4.0
6 SMARTT, HENRY HSCC5454 622 767/ 66 W39 L2 W19 W12 W18 4.0
7 MALQUIST, BENJAMIN LARDJ768 728 802/ 72 W34 W21 L2 W20 W10 4.0
8 CARPENTER, COLTON SAID4173 1114 1090/120 L3 W34 W21 W23 W9 4.0
9 WINE, TRISTAN RESDE596 630 701/ 98 W29 L1 W27 W14 L8 3.0
10 MCQUAIDE, BAKER CDRD4882 623 671/ 31 W19 L11 W17 W13 L7 3.0
11 STEELE, ZACHARY CARDH880 766 778/ 44 W36 W10 L1 W22 L3 3.0
12 KING, TAYLOR ASTDH361 741 738/ 86 W35 W16 L4 L6 W26 3.0
13 SAWYER, JOE LARD3528 678 679/ 75 W37 L3 W26 L10 W21 3.0
14 DRURY, GABE NBLD1769 781 748/ 68 W31 L20 W16 L9 W24 3.0
15 BOWHAY, DAWSON CARD8381 1127 1061/128 L21 W33 W24 L5 W20 3.0
16 BOWMER, ANTHONY SAIDB939 606 630/ 40 W32 L12 L14 W27 W23 3.0
17 KEELING, SPENCER CARDA763 400 622/ 5 L20 W31 L10 W35 W22 3.0
18 LENDERMAN, TAYLOR NORD3718 757 729/ 53 W30 HPB L3 W25 L6 2.5
19 PARKS, JOB NBLC2825 400 565/ 4 L10 W36 L6 HPB W25 2.5
20 WENDLING, JACK ASTDG787 624 659/ 52 W17 W14 L5 L7 L15 2.0
21 LOISEL, CHASE ASTDF394 601 624/ 54 W15 L7 L8 W31 L13 2.0
22 GOO, AUDREY ASTD6863 626 600/ 77 W27 L5 W32 L11 L17 2.0
23 REAVLEY, WILSON HPVD9808 669 649/ 49 W38 L4 W30 L8 L16 2.0
24 GOODIN, ZACHARY ASTDJ531 545 560/ 25 L1 W37 L15 W32 L14 2.0
25 BOULOS, BASSAM SAIDB650 400 427/ 18 L2 W29 W33 L18 L19 2.0
26 JAMES, MATTHEW NBLDE097 400 442/ 15 L5 W38 L13 W28 L12 2.0
27 ARENA, ANTONE HPVD7581 400 470/ 5 L22 W28 L9 L16 W35 2.0
28 VIEGAS, KATYA NORDJ566 426 423/ 19 L4 L27 W34 L26 W33 2.0
29 CLAUSEN, KEVIN HPVCF292 400 400/ 5 L9 L25 L31 W38 W36 2.0
30 MEZNER, JOSEPH CARC5732 400 447/ 3 L18 W39 L23 HPB HPB 2.0
31 HEGARTY, PATRICK EAGDE751 400 400/ 10 L14 L17 W29 L21 D32 1.5
32 JOHNSON, ELLIOTT LARDD700 400 400/ 5 L16 W35 L22 L24 D31 1.5
33 CLEARY, ALEX NBLCE814 400 400/ 13 HPB L15 L25 W37 L28 1.5
34 SLUYS, JULIA ASTD2466 400 400/ 5 L7 L8 L28 D36 D37 1.0
35 KAATZ, MADILYN NORCE725 400 400/ 5 L12 L32 W38 L17 L27 1.0
36 PETERSON, TOMMY LARCC276 400 400/ 14 L11 L19 D37 D34 L29 1.0
37 SULAK, ZACHARY EAGD6362 400 400/ 5 L13 L24 D36 L33 D34 1.0
38 BAUTISTA-HEPKER, ORION LARCG253 400 400/ 4 L23 L26 L35 L29 BYE 1.0
39 WRIGHT, MARINA HPVDG231 400 400/ 2 L6 L30 U U U 0.0
pos last name first id numb start end/#gms rd1 rd2 rd3 rd4 rd5 tot
1 WONG, DYLAN ASTA9914 574 727/ 10 W18 D9 W7 W4 W2 4.5
2 TSANG, ALEXANDER BCXBX435 756 790/ 10 W8 W10 W3 W6 L1 4.0
3 JOHNSON, MAX LARB9799 400 752/ 5 W12 W15 L2 W11 W8 4.0
4 KAECH, RICHY SKYBC022 503 607/ 71 W16 W7 D6 L1 W12 3.5
5 SALVATIERRA, CHRISTIAN NORBA411 400 607/ 5 L10 W16 W18 W9 D6 3.5
6 ROWEMOULDS, JAIME LARBG804 518 558/ 24 W14 W13 D4 L2 D5 3.0
7 ENGLE, ANDREW LARBG591 653 633/ 34 W15 L4 L1 W14 W13 3.0
8 PACHECO, OBERON SAIB2848 400 485/ 9 L2 BYE W12 W10 L3 3.0
9 MALQUIST, JOHN LARAF952 400 461/ 10 W17 D1 D11 L5 D10 2.5
10 HEGARTY, DEIRDRE EAGBF717 400 465/ 10 W5 L2 W13 L8 D9 2.5
11 STEELE, RILEY CARBD330 450 466/ 20 HPB HPB D9 L3 W16 2.5
12 RYBKA, BARRETT ASTBD955 446 443/ 25 L3 W14 L8 W18 L4 2.0
13 WINE, TAHLIA RESAA750 400 400/ 9 BYE L6 L10 W17 L7 2.0
14 VERRET, NOLAN CARAJ627 400 400/ 5 L6 L12 W16 L7 W18 2.0
15 STEWARDSON, LIAM EAGBB112 400 448/ 3 L7 L3 W17 HPB HPB 2.0
16 DEVANGE, LINNEA LARAF655 400 400/ 4 L4 L5 L14 BYE L11 1.0
17 DEPALMA, FRANCIS ASTBF984 400 400/ 4 L9 D18 L15 L13 HPB 1.0
18 LEE, BRIANNA BCXAX898 400 400/ 5 L1 D17 L5 L12 L14 0.5
Details for events below at http://mysite.verizon.net/kaech/
Mar 1 JH/MS State Team Championships, Islander MS (Mercer Island)
Mar 8 F.E.S.T. Ferndale Elementary Spring Tournament, K-6, Ferndale
Mar 15 2nd Assumption Spring Tournament, K-8, Bellingham
Apr 26 2008 State Elementary Chess Championships, Redmond
For scholastic tournament information beyond NW Washington, consult the two authoritative sources:
WHSCA (and OSCF) Scholastic Calendar: http://www.whsca.org/calendar.html
Northwest Chess Magazine: http://www.nwchess.com/calendar/index.htm#Scholastic%20Events
They both announce scholastic events throughout Washington and Oregon.
And for all the scholastic tourneys just across the border:
BC Junior Chess Calendar http://www.bjdy.com/juniorchess/events.html
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